Look into my eyes... listen to my words... you are getting sleepy... QUACK LIKE A DUCK!

in #obama8 years ago (edited)

This is my companion piece to my attorneys as politicians piece from earlier today. This post instead focuses on the things I was considering about President Obama that inspired me to write that other piece.

"President Bushes team could not have been more professional or more gracious in making sure we had a smooth transition so that we could hit the ground running." - President Obama - November 9th, 2016
"I have instructed my team follow the example."
"The peaceful transition of power is one of the hallmarks of our democracy, and over the next few months we are going to show that to the world."

Change Channel

"Every expert regardless of political party, regardless of ideology conservative or liberal who has ever examined these issues in a serious way will tell you that instances of significant voter are fraud are not to be found." - President Obama - video published October 18th, 2016.
"You start whining before the game is even over. If whenever things are going badly for you and you lose you start blaming someone else then you don't have what it takes to be in this job" as he points over his shoulder at the Whitehouse.

"It helps in Ohio that we have Democrats in charge of the machines." - President Obama back in 2008
"I come from Chicago so I want to be honest it's not as if it is just Republicans who have monkeyed around with elections in the past sometimes Democrats have too. Whenever people are in power they have this tendency to try to tilt things in their direction." - watch the video for the rest.

This is a direct contradiction to his other stance. Yet this is true of MANY things he said in 2008. Keep in mind when you watch or hear Obama speak that he had a career and training as a lawyer/attorney prior to politics. They learn how to represent their client and convince the jury that their client is the one who is correct. They train to do that even when it is not true, as that is their job. The Jury is closer to We the people and is not actually representative of either of those clients.

So if they are skilled in swaying the public to their side of any issue, why would we not expect them to do the same as President? Are you being told the truth or are you simply being skillfully manipulated by someone using attorney training?

Smooth Transition

WOW! Obama has banned Free Speech!! - Note this is not just Obama. It passed the House and Senate first. He could have shot it down though.

Why did Obama really issue sanctions against Russia?

Obama kicking Russian Operatives out of US in Response to Election Hack - "Threatening Our Existence"

So if the Russians did hack?

No one has stated that the released documents were false. That seems to be being conveniently distracted from just like a good attorney would do to keep the jury from considering certain evidence.

Let's pretend the Russians did hack and release this information. (though what is known indicates this is NOT the case)

If the emails that were released did influence the elections, what in them did this?

Was it the truth about the DNC colluding with Hillary against Bernie Sanders?
Was it the truth about Hillary being fed debate questions before the debate?
Was it other truths?

They have not called the information leaked LIES. If the truth was not damning would it have any impact?

Is it wrong to be told the truth?

I tend to think we should be hearing the truth. If our own incumbent administration is colluding to make sure we don't learn these things then would it be bad if some place like Russia told us?

If we were told the truth about corruption and collusion WHY are we so fixated on who told us the truth?

Because, this is spin and it is what skilled attorneys will do to spin the attention of the jury (aka We the People) somewhere else.

In reality wikileaks who has NEVER been proven false to this date said weeks before the election that the leaks did not come from Russians, or any State (aka nation). At this time Obama and Hillary were making fun of Trump about the concept of "rigged elections" and saying it is not possible.

To me it looks like they are continuing to try to use the same tactics that lost them the election.

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