Engadget Trending News

in #o2iogkdf85 years ago

Adorable co-op adventure 'Knights and Bikes' is coming to Switch

"Charming co-op adventure game Knights and Bikes is coming to the Nintendo Switch. The adorably illustrated game -- which sees two children exploring the ancient countryside and coastlines of England's Cornwall -- has been a big hit with fans since its success…"


Niantic announces real-world events for its Pokémon and Harry Potter games

" Niantic's real-world events for 2019 were so successful that they generated $249 million in tourism revenue across Chicago, Dortmund and Montréal. That's what the company has revealed in a new events website, which it launched alongside its fe..."


一枚 DirecTV 卫星有电池爆炸的危险

" 美国 AT&T 旗下的卫星电视公司 DirecTV 仅有一个月的时间,将拥有的一枚名为「Spaceway-1」的卫星由地球同步轨道转移,避免电池爆炸时波及邻近的其他卫星。这枚以 Boeing 702HP 底盘为基础的通讯卫星,在 1 月 19 日发现有一个异常状况,对电池造成了「严重且不可逆转」的损坏。 DirecTV 已经关闭电池,仅靠太阳能板在运作,然而在二月底时,Spaceway-1 将进入地球的阴影之中,届时如果不切换到电池的话,将失去对卫星的控制。因此"


Official 'Fortnite' circuits are coming to colleges and high schools

" The battle royale game millions of young players spend hours grinding is now going to be available to play with the approval their teachers. PlayVS, a company hosting esports tournaments in high schools and colleges, has partnered with Fortnite publi..."


The Morning After: Motorola's foldable Razr arrives February 6th

" Hey, good morning! You look fabulous. Remember Motorola's $1,500 high-concept phone? It was supposed to start the pre-order process last month. Now, after a brief delay, Motorola said you'll be able to queue for the Razr beginning on Sunday, with shipments st…"


The Morning After: Motorola's foldable Razr arrives February 6th

"Hey, good morning! You look fabulous. Remember Motorola's $1,500 high-concept phone? It was supposed to start the pre-order process last month. Now, after a brief delay, Motorola said you'll be able to queue for the Razr beginning on Sunday, with shipments st…"



" 阪神電気鉄道が1月23日、QRコードを用いた乗車券の導入を検討していると発表しました。2020年3月から9月まで、同社関係者を対象とした実証実験を行います。"



" 新素材サンバーナー採用!温度調整掛けふとん『LIGHTCITY』 1.高機能発熱素材「サンバーナー」採用。 繊維が体から出る湿気を熱に変え、温かく保ちます。 2.温度を自動調節し、常に最適な温かさを維持。 3.発熱面と通常面の2面構造採用。 季節を問わず1年中快適にご使用いただけます。 冷え込む冬の夜、なかなか布団が温まらず寝付けない。寒さで目が覚めてしまう。電気毛布は便利だけれど、肌や喉の乾燥が気になる。誰でも一度はそんな経験があるのではないでしょうか?"



" 据 The Tribune 消息,印度在 2021 年年底执行首次载人飞行任务之前,将名为 Vyommitra 的人形机器人分别于今年 12 月和来年 6 月派送到太空进行两次无人飞行任务。报道指,该机器人的名称是梵文中「太空」和「朋友」两个词语的结合。 从以下画面中看到印度太空研究组织(ISRO)的人员正在展示"


Tinder is working on a panic button for dangerous situations

" Tinder is taking more steps to beef up user safety, rolling out features that give daters the option to receive check-ins, hit a panic alarm and even call authorities to their location. Its parent company, Match, has taken a stake in a location track..."



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