Truth Journalist Katherine Frisk is Missing, Mark Anthony Taylor Sounds the Alarm

in #nwo7 years ago

Contributed by Mark Anthony Taylor, SGT Report:

Friends, Mark Anthony Taylor has literally put his life at risk by exposing the beyond criminal machinations of international bankers who have been colluding to rig the gold and silver markets. He has also made the link between the practice of pedophilia among some of these same bankers and their associates.

Our mutual friend, journalist Katherine Frisk (pen name) operates which with SGT Report has been one of only two sites in the world consistently reporting on Mark Anthony Taylor's battle against the bankers.

The Clintons, Jes Staley, Jeffrey Epstein And Barclays’ Frauds OR From Pizzagate to Gold Rigging

We now fear that Katherine Frisk is missing.

Neither of us has heard from Katherine since early July which is highly unusual since we both have heard from her several times per week for years. Since we have no where to turn for help, Mark sent this email to Caroline Lucas MP, the head of the UK Green Party, who recently addressed the PM Theresa May on the issue of the Saudi arms sales.

In lieu of Katherine's rather unsafe geopolitical living situation in South Africa, we just want to make our readers aware of this troubling development.

Caroline Lucas

Copy to:
Sean of SGT Report

Dear Ms Lucas,

I believe you have challenged PM Theresa May on the issue of the Saudi arms trade, which we all know is being used to destabilize the Middle East, by funding ISIS and creating a needless immigration crisis back in Europe.

Lately a friend of mine Gail [last name redacted by SGT Report] (aka Katherine Frisk) of seems have gone missing. Her last published article on her website was the 8th of July, which you can see for yourself. Gail is a political activist, exposing NATO support of ISIS, global paedophilia rings and the serious frauds of the banking system.

She is a South African citizen and came to understand the mining revenue was destroyed by banking manipulation, crippling her nation financially. The systematic suppression was shown in a lawsuit in NY and is covered here by Bloomberg:

Deutsche Bank Records Said to Show Silver Rigging at Other Banks

Gail was one of the first people to take note of my lawsuit in the UK against the banks for such manipulation ( and published my articles in her online newspaper. Deutsche Bank's disclosures show the UK judiciary was actively conspiring with a bank cartel to defraud investors worldwide.

Lord Ian Burnett & Charles Haddon-Cave who refused CAAT's objections to the Saudi arms trade were the two men instrumental to sabotaging my lawsuit. A third judge Simon Brown QC was kicked out of office within a week of Deutsche Bank's confession, but the other two got away Scot free..

Just before I re-opened the lawsuit this month, Gail published an article for me exposing one of the defendants in my lawsuit as having connections to Jeffrey Epstein, solicitor of child prostitutes.

I have been worrying that we have got too close to the truth and Gail may have been arrested or worse.

You can say Gale [redacted] has not twittered or published an articles 20 days after publishing articles critical of judges involved with the CAAT arms trade hearing.

I have sent a request to the consulate in SA to identify what happened to her.

You can certainly raise the issue that the two judges who let the Saudis buy our arms were the same two who had dismissed allegations of gold rigging by Deutsche Bank as 'totally without merit.' Copies of the their judgement are in the evidence archive of my website. Deutsche Bank and Barclays, incriminated for gold rigging, are both part owned by Qatar, which is known to have funded ISIS with billions of USD. Gold would have been the ideal laundering vehicle, and with Qatar's leverage over both banks they would not have any opposition. Since the bullion price was suppressed for the last 17 years, investors worldwide would have been swindled to supply ISIS with cheap gold.

You can see what Haddon-Cave and Burnett were covering up, and you can see why Gail [redacted] disappearance worries me. I have been trying to find an MP with an iota of courage and integrity to expose these crimes. So far none has volunteered.

Kind regards,
Mark Anthony Taylor


Armageddon And The Temple - Katherine Frisk

Published on Jan 16, 2017
From the bombing of Damascus by Israeli IDF forces on the Golan Heights and Tel Aviv supporting Islamic terrorists, , back into the past to 2,700 years ago and then returning into the present with NATO forces surrounding Russia. The forces of good and evil still battle it out. History repeats itself, over and over again.

The International Reporter:

steemit  Shot 2017-05-20 at 8.49.49 PM.png


What is your relationship to SGT report ? I see no link back to steemit on

This is the official Steemit page for - thanks for visiting. ~Sean

I am reaching out to them on Twitter and Facebook to see if I can get an answer. Did they ever get back to you from one of their other official accounts?

Hopefully she is well. I will pray for her!

Everyone must start setting time aside, EVERY SINGLE DAY, to pray, meditate, or send positive energy for all the true heroes(or crazy people). If you do not donate money, you need to start. These people are already fighting in the WAR! What are you doing? This will become a shooting war if millions of us do not join with these reporters. We must speak out, encourage others, and did I mention, PRAY? I commit to praying fifteen minutes a day for these brave people. I want to cry for our children. I wanted so much to watch them grow and laugh and love. My prayer is this reporter will be found alive and well, and in good spirits. Will you agree with me in that same prayer.

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