
Thanks for the comments to all my stuff. I see u two. Lol. Cool stuff.
But if you watch all 4 hours of the video it is a history lesson. Not super conspiracy just a lot of people connected for 1780s to now. Some stuff like the Washington killing, I got from the video. It covers the important history throughout the world. From the dates i showed. I would tell anyone who thinks they know the last 300 years to watch.

Agree, we have done lots of research also but never made something to share. Its awesome you did.

Have you studied the links from Rome/Vatican to Lincoln's assasination? Lincoln was bloodline as well but he put himself between a rock and a hard place when he defied the European bankers

there is a good book and audiobook about all this. Its 5 hours but has a ton of stuff. But the bloodlines do not mean a thing to me just a way to keep people split. I have been researching religious mind manipulation through the ages. Also the long video in this post covers the civil war era a lot. Well thanks for the comment.

Yeah, good ol Fritz Springmeier. I enjoy his work

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