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in #nwo7 years ago

Isn't anybody worried about President Trump meeting with Henry Kissinger who is supposed to be one of the top tacticians of the NWO? Or are conspiracy theories no longer standing?


It is interesting but I believe Trump is using him in a diplomatic tool against the Chinese. Kissinger is one of the few who did oppose Syria. Who exactly knows though.

No, I looked that up and apparently the Chinese have great faith in Dr Kissinger, so he won't be used against them.

Hmm from what I understand he returned from a foreign policy trip to China. The Chinese have respect for him that is why you see China turning towards the U.S. on N. Korea.

Yes, he has been involved with the Chinese since 1972 with President Nixon, the Chinese have complete confidence in him, remember he is a diplomat.
As for the Chinese on North Korea, nobody really knows what they think, if they wanted regime change they are certainly capable of making it happen.

I'm not worried, it's all a part of the plan!

Ok, the hard part is knowing what the plan is.

Check out today's x 22 report on YouTube. It mentions this in the report. I hope it is correct

Ok, watched part 1, nothing on why President Trump should receive Mr. Kissinger. I also have a couple of points I don't agree with, oil, why do you need to drill for oil why not go for renewable energy, solar, wind etc. it's working in other countries, why can't it work in the country with the largets economy. The other one is gold and silver, I'm fine with them but why leave out other metals that actually have more practical value like copper, iron etc, eventually in a depressed economy I would think these too would become valuable. I'm on to seeing part 2.

First how can this guy know there is no collussion? He is speculating. Now with Kissinger and Russia and Trump, is it not possible Kissinger was giving orders? The South Korean president is apparently against Trump's agenda, yet this guy makes it look like it's going according to plan. The only one who started acting threateningly is Trump, I think this guy is deluded, he is making things up, Duterte sided with China a while back, now he says Trump never intended to remove Kin Jung Un yet he mistakenly said a navy task force was going to see NK stopped being trouble. Frankly I again say, Kissinger was giving orders, all of these guys Russia, China the US are under what he calls the Deep State they hold the cards.
And nothing he says makes much sense, just listen to him he contradicts himself a lot of time, how does he know Bin Laden died in 2011 of kidney failure? Does this guy some kind of crystal ball? No I need something better than this to change my mind.
And the final part is the most laughable, just think, who owns most of the gold in the world? The banks, and they are supposed to be the front for what he calls the deep state. I do believe we are fucked but I think this guy is nuts.

I agree with @colinb. Thank you for sharing this post. I enjoyed reading it,
@gduran. I've just Upvoted & Followed you as well!

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