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RE: Non Violence Communication - Learning to Really Listen To My Children

in #nvc5 years ago

It can be tricky when we've grown up learning to be so eager to make our point that the "listening" part is actually us thinking about the clever thing we're going to say next to completely shut down all opposition XD

Or maybe that's just me >_>

Over a (ridiculously long) period of time I've kind of vaguely learned how to read looks people are giving me (I don't always keep eye contact especially during serious conversations as I find people talk more when I'm not looking directly at them all the time, but keep glancing back so they know I'm still paying attention), if they just want to talk they'll just talk, but if they want a response there's a different kind of more expectant look, and then I have to figure out if they just want acknowledgement or more (and when it's relationship dramas I'm usually internally panicking because I don't know what to do there either most of the time XD).

Perhaps it's an age thing now but usually with my kids I can usually figure out when to prompt if I think they need/want to share something but don't know how/if they should, otherwise we're at a stage where I can just listen/converse and if they actually want advice etc they explicitly ask.

We really do learn and grow alongside them don't we :)


it is very tricky indeed, I really need to rein myself in. and yes my girls have taught me so much and boy how I have grown xxx

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