#Nutshell Challenge. Give It A Go Steemians, I Did...Check This Out (Win A Real Dodo, Assuming One Can Be Sourced)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #nutshell-challenge6 years ago (edited)

Gah! You already used eccentric, I wear my eccentricity like badge of honour...

No fear I shall take but a moment to ponder...

This would be an awesome time to drop in a link to the contest for anyone who feels like givin' it a go...(Thinking could take me a while!)


OK...lightning bolt to the brain...

I've got it! I am a spectacular, magnificent...AWESOMETASTICAL (come on ego...keep it together) SOCIABLE OPTIMIST.

The reason I chose the word "sociable" is that like most human beings either consciously or subconsciously I crave connection, engagement and on a more selfish level the payoff for this is often validation. I think we strive to meet some people who are like us because this creates a comfortable rewarding environment but I also seek out people with extremely opposing views and qualities to my own as this stretches us and makes us well rounded individuals as it forces us to consider opposing viewpoints and beliefs and lifestyles. This can create a greater empathy and tolerance within and harness greater reasoning and consideration when contemplating others.

I chose to identify myself as an "optimist" also because despite the fact I am far from naive or happy-clappy I always expect the best from those I meet and from situations I find myself in. I would far rather give the benefit of the doubt and be wrong than change the way I perceive things and become bitter, twisted and cynical.

My sociable optimist status with regard to this biosphere we find ourselves in tells me that I am gonna be a part of, and form some amazing socially aware communities while I am here and I have an uber-belief that we are going to create something amazing that history will look back on and say WOW!

So I will try and summarize the next 2 as I obviously do not have a window into their psyche in the same way I do my own (there are some windows one should never look through.) also because I am conscious of you getting eyestrain as I do go on and on and on.

@father2b is actually a friend and a work-mate of mine. He came along to Steemit just to shut me up I think as I never stopped talking about it when I first joined. He is an enthusiastic doer. Hmmm? Maybe the word do-er is a bit of a rule stretch haha. Once he is in...He's in! He will consider many ways of getting things done, he will happily sit and work through a program if he wants to design something (he may tell you he isn't that good), I disagree and believe he will be an epic designer in the future! He has been here a short time and I see his writing coming on quickly as he starts to engage with the community here.

@lost108 Is a dude of epic proportions he is also an amazing organizer I suspect he would disagree with this but I believe he is exactly what I suggest. He runs a lottery on Discord that rewards winners with whaleshhares it is absolutely free for us users but I know the dude puts in the hard yards to make sure things happen when they should. He is incredibly welcoming and friendly to the community that we are building there even though "sometimes" people just want a lottery starting whenever they turn up to the Discord group he is always polite and friendly. He would be the first to tell you that the lottery is almost just a pretense we want to build a community that teaches and nurtures itself and is welcoming to new members.

Thankyou for putting in the time to make this contest happen @thatsweeneyguy. Community happens over time, those first interactions in the early days. I believe when we look back at any success story we can trace that success back to those first couple of years and the integrity of the person starting out.

Well I am sorry to have used up all of your spare paper writing this, once I start I cannot stop lol.
take great care, may your journey be spectacular, eclectic and a little bit eccentric and almost never, ever normal :D

Feel free to give this a go @father2b @lost108 although I am aware you are both super busy!

Images courtesy of the AWESOMETASTICAL Pixabay.

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