My Top Nutritional Tips for weightloss and nutrition

in #nutrition7 years ago

When it comes to controlling your diet it can get so confusing with so much contradicting information around - dont eat carbs, eat carbs but dont eat them after 4pm, dont cut carbs, eat low fat, dont eat low fat food etc. I’ve compiled a list of my top nutritional tips below, I’ll explain why you need to follow each tip in more detail later on.


1. Drink lots of water: Aim to drink 3L a day, basically the more you can drink the better.

2. Eat lots of fibre (fruit, veg, wholegrains – brown rice/bread, oats, psyllium husks, flaxseeds) 

3. Eat lots of  Fruit, Vegetables and Wholegrains

4. Eat lots of Lean protein

5. Eat Good fats: Nuts, seeds, avocado, olive oil, omega 3 supplements

6. Avoid  Processed food – (anything made in a factory) chips, biscuits, tinned food, frozen meals

7. Avoid Sugar and Refined carbs – white rice, white bread, , white flour, white pasta (anything thats been stripped of goodness)

8. Avoid Fried food/saturated fats (butter, marg, cream, cheese, hot chips, fried calamari etc)

9. Avoid Soft drinks, Fruit juice, Alcohol, Tea & coffee

10.  Always eat breakfast – it gets the metabolism cranking for the day

11. Dont skip meals – when you skip meals your metabolism slows right down and your body holds onto your fat stores incase famine is around the corner

12. Don’t deprive yourself – everything is fine in moderation. As soon as you tell yourself that you cant have something eg. chocolate you’re going to want it more and then binge on it, so rather just have a little bit every now and then to satifsfy your craving but just be careful no to go overboard. I live by the 80/20 rule – eat well 80% of the time and eat what you want the other 20%



I was carried away by the photos. Nice article, keep it up....

Thank you so much!

you are welcome dear...

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