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RE: Adaptability - Act 13 part 4 - nutrition

in #nutrition6 years ago

Why would you think that, there were still plants and grasses, and the animals that co evolved with them. There were predators who and opportunistic scavengers. Plants that would have been edible for humans in such climates would have been hard to find, and kind of irrelevant as they would have been problematic to prepare and digest. I was not there, so I can only guess based upon what is most likely.


Life didnt evolve we were created by an inviscible supernatural being,every house is construted by someone,the one who created and made evry thing on earth today is God.dont you think so

I have found that the thing that hurts my ability to resonate with reality and with skill is memory or story that is both inaccurate and inflexible.

I find that it is better to have no opinions which is why I try to write as a series of questions and observations that invite sensitive enquiry rather than definitive answers.

I have never met anyone who believes in God, who is not using that story to cover up their fear of death and of the unknown, or using it as an excuse to judge and control the behaviour of others.

If I accept death, and enjoy life, why would I need to have a story of a creator?

I can see "creation" and I can experience myself as a flowing part of it, able to interact with it while I am alive and not rigid with belief.

Belief in that which is not tangible can only create conflict, as others are expected to conform to story rather than reality - its actually very selfish as is most fear based tension.

If you dont believe on God then you probably do not believe on the bible,check out this site ,you can go through it there you can find concrete evidence of a creator,just search your keyword ,the site is

I am also preparing a post concerning creation and evolution

Perhaps if you try to answer the questions below without quoting from a bible, we will both learn something?

Good luck - an honest search will reveal an even better set of questions, and thus the possibility for true intelligence continues.

My friend the only concrete evidence a book can provide is the existence of paper.

Why do your religious teachers need you to look at their book? Is the evidence of their god not to be found outside of it?

Does gravity need thousands of followers to sell it?
Or can I experience its force without a book and without a belief?

Who would you be without your belief in god?
Would you still be trustworthy, deserving of your families love?
Would your fellow friends in god, still love and accept you, or do you only get their positive emotions when you also follow their conditioning?

Could you accept that micro organisms will eat your flesh and that "you" will cease to exist?
Where were "you" before micro organisms made the minerals of your body available for re-manifestation?

Biology is the only miracle I see, and the greatest threat to biology is a species who chooses to align themselves to guilt, fear, shame and stories about "moral behaviour in the eyes of the lord" rather than to nature - that is the only gift I see the bible.

So long as weak people do not trust strong people, we will have religion to create bullies to do the police work for scared old men and women who are not ready to leave behind their opinions assets and influence, even in death.

Are you brave enough to face the world without a religion?
If not, then do not advise me to join a cowardly gang of manipulative control freaks, who are not able to accept their own death and relative un importance.

Good day to you brother, I hope you find true relationship with reality before your time here ends. There can be no relationship through stories that can not exist outside of memory, outside of actual sensation.

I also fall in love with my metaphors.

This happens because it is easier to remember a rule, than to understand the causation factors within the relationships from which we learned them and for which they are meant to represent.

Teachers use metaphors to create fictitious "safe" examples that we can relate to.
We get lazy, and we fall in love with the metaphors. We remember the rules even when we do not understand or have not experienced the actual events they represent.

All the great spiritual works began like this, even though the masters told us not to pass judgement and to accept reality. We still compare peoples behaviour to an "ideal", we still still compare reality to a "better version" in our imagination.

We cling to the rules even more, when we do not have enough experience to understand them enough to no longer need them.

Religious teachers are like this, they dont understand reality or nature, so they just repeat the rules as in
"the book". This gets people killed.

We still outsource responsibility to a "perfect" being
Perfect being would be a state of "being" awake, aware, and able to move with ease in an environment of understanding based on experience, rather than memorised rules from a book.

Could you check out my blog i made a post concerning the bible a few weeks ago,there i mentioned five reasons that gives us,strong conviction of the bibles authenticity


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