Odd Numbers 777, 4:44, 22 22 What do they mean?

in #numbers6 years ago

There. Did you see it?


The numbers are not only popping up but they stick around long enough to capture them.

No, I am not waiting for the numbers to change, I just reach for my phone or look over and there they are. Every day, all the time, it is always some freaky number.

This happens way more than I can represent here on one post. These are the ones I grabbed. It is not uncommon for people around me to just yell out a number.

It is not just clocks but everything that you would not or could not really attempt to control. Who would care to make their balance show a triple seven?

I am far too busy to adjust what the client is paying just to get a fictitious balance for three in a row.

It is really uncanny how many ways this happens to hit me. Others are getting this kind of signal or message too, whatever you call it.

I call it freaky and strange. I may look at the clock four or five times per day and three out of five are some sort of double:double or a triple in some way.



I did a quick search and I came up with this article about the spirit beings telling me this or that.

I do not have spirit beings! Cool that someone supposedly knows about why this is happening. I have lived on this earth several decades and have never had this happen to me with such regularity. The fact that someone made a site to explain it means that the phenomenon occurs. Period.

Good enough for me.

So I left at the time listed (left)

Called the elevator and via some mind control or sad need to have numbers line up, the elevator lines them up in 22 and 22 and I don't live on that floor. Naturally the elevator stayed with both on the way down to me long enough for me to snap a shot.

Took off and was running late - needed to be there at 1700 hours but anyone could understand a person being just five minutes late.

This is it for me. I have to stop because the time is late. I do not care to really check the clock.

I keep voting and commenting on your posts and thank you all for noticing.

My collection of crazy numbers will likely amaze me as time goes on. I will post them below in the comments if I get more. It is an odd thing that does not need numerology or definition. One day we will all figure out why things happen, and until then I bid you good night.


Do not provoke anything but thought. It seems a rare commodity nowadays.


The most interesting thing about his publication is that as soon as I finish reading, I started to see this kind of thing, hahaha, waking up, my vision to the inesplicable, I ended up in google to look for more details of this topic, thanks, sometimes we need someone or a subliminal message that wakes us up to see things more clearly.

Pueden ser solo números, o quizas algún mensaje de otro planeta, de alguien que intenta decirte algo.... "Llegas cincominutos tarde!", jejeje Buena publicación.

Te paso uno que está MUCHO MEJOR, látima que no es actual, es de unos mese atras..

Asi como este he tenido varios.

WhatsApp Image 2018-06-04 at 21.23.29.jpeg

No le he prestado atención, pero voy a fijarme ahora a ver que pasa. Gracias por compartir.

Maybe it's something more common than we thought, only you had the reflexes to notice it, even if there is a reason (that there is in this world for everything) I wish you could find it! Good night!!!!

Edit: In fact I just passed by, I just charged a reward and checked how many sbd I have!!
It wasn't something I caused

A mi me ha pasado varias veces con el 11:11, cuando iba a ver la hora a veces en otras cosas dure como un mes, en eso pero no sabia que significaba, hasta miedo me llego a dar hasta llegue a buscar el significado de este numero. El 11:11 es un llamado a despertar que te envías a ti mismo. Un recordatorio de tu verdadero propósito en la Tierra. Estaré pendiente para tu próxima publicación, ya que pensaba que esto me pasaba a mi nada mas. Saludos

A mi tambien en varias oportunidades me a pasado con la hora. Tambien he pasado por algunos sitios haciendo algo y siento como que si ya he vivido ese monmento. Exelente post.

This type of phenomenon has happened to me several times, days ago it happened to me that every time I saw the time, it was 11:11 during a week, something like that. But in my case, it was that I saw number 29 everywhere. That was incredible, lottery numbers, floors, channels, anything with that number. What will be behind this?

Muy interesante el tema de lo numeros impares estare atento a las proximas publicaciones para seguir aprendiendo de este tema

Todo en esta vida tiene una explicación, interesante tema, no me había detenido a pensar en esto, pero ahora que lo menciona, me ha pasado varias veces, al mirar el reloj, atenta a sus próximas publicaciones para seguir aprendiendo .

Interesting, I had not realized, it reminds me of the father movie, and its subliminal messages,

I am sure that from today I will begin to see more details, I am integrated, thank you for teaching us this type of topics that give us uncertainty.

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