Measure Your Life III, Contributed By @olawalium.

in #numbers6 years ago


…continued… from part 1 and part 2.

Still on this series of measuring our life, so we can achieve more, seize opportunities and also ease our frustrations.

We have discussed Time and Seasons, meaning, we should measure our lives in time and also in seasons. Understanding these facts would help us a lot.

Now, we talk about the third one, which is:

3. Measure Your Life By Numbers.


Numbers are very important in our day to day living. Have you also heard of the popular quote that says ”Age is just a number?”. Jordan was right when he said we shouldn’t use “just” anyhow. Nothing is “just”. What is “just” to us is actually a big deal to another. Okay, i am back on track. Haha.

You need to be able to understand numbers in life. Numbers are so important, so much that those who don’t understand it, employs others who are vast in it, to help them with it. Numbers rule.

You need to be able to understand how your finance works. Lack of adequate financial wisdom has wrecked so many homes and lives. A lot depends on your finance and without due intelligence, it might be an uphill task. It is not only going to be a rat race, it might end up in a race of constant chasing. We need to be able to address the tide before things get out of hands.


Watch out for those numbers and plan adequately. You need to address what goes in and out of your pocket. This is about having the culture for it.

Here, a lot of old mothers who didn’t even attend a formal school knows how numbers work. They might not know the latest thing about financial intelligence or how ”First In First Out” and ”Last In First Out” works, but they understand how numbers work and they live their lives with this understanding.

Watch the flow of your income and the outflow too. What out for the things that are important and the things that are not. Let go of the things that you don’t need and reach for the ones you need. A lot of financial troubles most people have are as a result of trying to keep up to impress people. A lot of us try to impress people that are not even watching us. We try so much to keep up while we forget that we are sinking.


Keep a close watch on your finance. Those numbers determine how you will end up. Do well not to put yourself in a precarious state. Always think about the future. Don’t forget one of the reasons why we hold money is also for unforseen circumstances. When we know this, it ease up the frustrations that might want to kick in when life happens. be continued...

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

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...good measure pressed down, shaken together and running over.
Number is sure a critical parameter to measure life with.
Thanms for sharing @olawalium

Hahahahahahahahahaaha. Thanks a lot. Always appreciated.

This is true and fair, the factors that a person can and must influence in his daily life must be realized, even through the financial accounting of his expenses, this is a reality.

Yes, our finance have a lot of say on us. If we can keep track of our finances, we can achieve more than we have achieved and also make good use of our time. Thanks a lot for that.

Our finances, as our habits, thank you for an interesting topic!

Absolutely..our finances as our habits.

Measure life by numbers, set your numbers that how much you want financially. How much you need to spend ,what number you will earn etc

Yes, we need to determine and take conscious effort about what goes in and what goes out. Adequate financial knowledge helps.

You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

Don’t forget one of the reasons why we hold money is also for unforseen circumstances.
It should be unforeseen instead of unforseen.

You deserve a standing ovation. That's a keyboard 'slip' and thanks for that...if you are human 🙈

It is quite difficult to measure

Your life or your finance? Which one?

Life to measure in finance... every time it is not possible to measure it correctly

You must have read the post in a wrong way. Try to understand it first.

You must have read the
Post in a wrong way. Try to
Understand it first.

                 - olawalium

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

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