The progress bulletins of Nuls ---Apr. 01-15. 2018

in #nuls6 years ago (edited)

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The Nuls wallet has completed the internal function test. (Deposit,Withdraw)


Fixed various bugs within the consensus module, testing commences.


The Nuls Blockchain explorer has been complete and has begun testing phase.

Community Update.jpg

新加坡制造业联合会(SMF)会长、上市公司荣控股(Sakae Holdings)董事长符标熊

Mr Douglas Foo, BBM, formally joined Nuls Advisor team.

He has been the President of Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF) since 2014
and Chairman and Founder of
Sakae Holdings Limited, a public listed company.

美国匹兹堡大学计算机科学副教授James Bilitski正式加入NULS项目顾问团队。

Dr. James Bilitski Formally joined Nuls Advisor team.

He is an Associate Professor at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Dr. Bilitski has also been a software architect and engineer for a number of years.

Nuls has launched the community contributors program. With the community’s submissions we recruited 28 members from the community to participate in future tests and activities.


We had a great turn out at the South Korean community meetup, attended by Co-sponsor Lily Wong, as well as many local community members.

NULS赞助在澳大利亚新南威尔士举办的Blockchain Education Network Australia (BEN Australia)见面会

Nuls Sponsored a meetup hosted by the Blockchain Education Network Australia (BEN Australia), which was held in Sydney, Australia. BEN’s mission is to educate people about blockchain and the various problems it will solve in the future. To learn more about BEN visit

NULS中文社区协办区块链普及全球行第二季——中国·重庆站,NULS联合发起人冉小波现场精彩分享。 (这里的第二季是第二季节还是第二季??)

Nuls Co-sponsored the “Blockchain popularized Globally tour” meeting at Chongqing, China.
Co-Founder Reaper Ran attended and showcased Nuls at the event.


Co-Founder Reaper Ran attended the “Cultural artwork Blockchain Alliance
Start ceremony ” and joined the Round table talk.

推动成立商务应用落地推动小组,并完成了第一次关于全域旅游和Token经济结合的讨 论

Promoting the establishment of a business application landing promotion group and completing the first discussion on global tourism and Token economic integration.


Thanks to “吾儿万岁”, We have established our first version of the Nuls forum( Any suggestions are welcome.

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JST 0.029
BTC 63743.08
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.87