Nuggets - The True Love Bearing Assurance I Have Been Craving For

in #nuggets6 years ago (edited)

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"The difference between victory and defeat, life and death is just a matter of a second"
it takes just a single unpleasant experience to understand this saying.
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You cannot imagine how a hole in the heart gives so much pain. You can feel your heart skipped a beat, cold of slow death grinding on the nerves in great terror.
So is a victim of a digital theft is left for an aftermath damage, a year savings wiped out in the blink of an eye.

Oh No! Not again.
This must be the third time in a month I heard my bestie scream this aloud.
Our remorse for victims of online theft, hacks and breaches grew so much than ever in the past 2 months.
This came into play after our personal ill fate gave our emotional sense no choice but to develop the passion for pity.

I still regret visiting those adult websites two days before an occurrence that would never be forgotten happened, not after the phone browser gave a warning right before accessing, but the lust for pleasure will later became a thing of regret.
Without my approval, a malware program was already installed, clashing with the time I forced-stopped an antivirus software to allow some applications to run "I never took the secuirty of my phone so serious until I learned the hard way".

As a crypto trader there is hardly a day without login into an exchange or wallet. While my friend and I were screening for trading opportunities, a smart dude under the grass was monitoring and recording sensitive informations.
It was the first day I know refreshing a page could give out a sweat, the day our crypto holdings was cleared off a wallet and exchanges, 'but wait, we enabled 2FA authenticator on exchanges' google will later show us that could be bypassed with cookie session.

What exactly happened? asked both of us at each other in great panic, with neither of us producing an answer.

Activating the antivirus package back revealed we have been exploited. 50% of our holdings cleared in a matter of minutes, we still thank goodness for having a separate reserve wallet, it was a day ledger found a new customers as we waste no time to secure about four of the hardwallet.

"The difference between victory and defeat, life and death is just a matter of a second", I came to understand this native saying on this particular day.

As a lover of anything tech my search for a remedy to a related issue has been a long one from that day. Yes I have learn to take strict security measures, Yes I have read many and practice latest security approaches but I know within myself the real solution have not been gotten. There still exist this hole waiting to be exploit with just a single mistake.

The hole in my heart is still waiting to be mend, and the pain grew has days goes by.

Right after a dark tunnel there is always a light.

Right in the middle of the agony comes a savior with a filler, who has come to mend my wound forever. Filling the space with a gracious LOVE and ASSURANCE.
After months of searching, I can't wait no more to express and expose my true LOVE who has come to give me the greatest relief of all

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With the use of personal identities that always follow me around where ever I go, be it in the bathroom, at the field of play or at the airport.
I mean just anywhere I go, even in any form I am 'even if being unclad' I know you didn't read that. Am talking about about Biometrics such as fingerprints and face ID.
With just my fingerprint, now i can access services, pay at a store, or tender an identification proof in just matter of seconds.

An intro video from the nuggets official website

By this innovative and revolutionary method,
Nuggets is bringing an end to unwanted data censorship, data breaches and over all unprotection marshalled by a cutting edge security of our new found robust technology "blockchain" to guard against our data.

In simple points and little explanation I will highlight what I understand as the top three applications of Nuggets.

Protection Against Sensitive Data/Information:

I am a dreamer, a really big dreamer, I once dream of a time when I will no longer had to deal with the worries of typing unique long strings of password per website/application or the stress of memorizing each one, not to talk of the uncertainties regarding trust when filling my credit card details for an online purchase.
I can now put a stop to every dream because Nuggets is here to fulfill them all.

Nuggets protection of my data doesn't end with password and credit card only as it will also guide against data censorship from the government and big institutions. What more is that by applying just my fingerprint to pay at stores I can rest assure payment process is safe, secure and simple.

Absense Of Complex Data/Identity Verification:

As a cryptocurrency investor and trader one of my greatest nightmare is the lost of my National ID card which has prevented me from passing some level of KYC verification on cryptocurrency exchanges, including the local exchange that convert directly to my local currency, thereby limiting the sum I am eligible to withdraw.
With only biometric verification nuggets is offering, the struggle of my ID reapplication and tips offered to friends to assist for cashout will be a thing of the past.
No more looking for lost documents.
No more waiting to possess a required document.
No more delay in verification.

Fast payment in stores by the combination of Nuggets token and biometric ID:

As a tokenized establishment, Nuggets will make use of the base token or cryptocurrency which take after the project name "NUG" to enable fast payment in stores and different payments outlets which processing will be authenticated by an individual fingerprint and/or any other adopted biometric.
Through this use at various stores, nuggets will consciously accelerate the adoption of cryptocurrency by many people from all walks of life.
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After caming across Nuggets with the plethora of protection and security it will be providing, I cannot keep the Joy only to myself and immediately told my friend. Not surprisingly, he is also very fond of the project and we both became a true fan, with an added plus of me being a lover who is always singing its song to his ears to a point where he jokingly asked me.
"if there is ever a competition to profess your love to the world about your love "Nuggets".
Why do you think you should win the competition?

I said to my friend,

I acknowledge there is a fierce competition in the world to earn the heart of a true love, but after my love mend the hole in my heart by filling it with Relief and Assurance, I believe I have the strength to overcome any form of competition".


Personally for me I cannot wait to start engaging in a romance with my love applying its touch effects and the assurance of my guarded information kept deep in her untampered heart "blockchain".

It will take time for real recognition
but with the backing of UK government, JD. com "second largest e-commerce in China after Alibaba with over 260M customers" and many great partnerships.
Nuggets is set to bring about a new dawn to simple processing and strong protection of our precious data.


Enjoy this meme which I submitted in the previous meme competition showcasing the change nuggets is bringing.

Learn more from the official website
Know the details from the WhitePaper
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