Knife Sharpening Peddler Doesn't Need a Business Permit. Dalian China

in #nuggatized7 years ago

The entrepreneurial spirit is strong Dalian. Anyone who wants to start up a little peddling business to feed their family can and it's much easier in China then most capitalistic countries.

If anyone in Canada wanted this job, and I have seen mobile knife sharpening trucks in Toronto, they would need some pretty big sharp scissors to cut through all the red tape and getting permits and tax permits. Oh the list goes on. I do have a registered business license in Canada, registered in Ontario so I do know what is involved with getting started.

But here in China anyone who has the drive to work the streets offering a service people need are in abundance. Setting a real business in a building with a sign is a different thing.

He's mobile too. I have seen him further up the street at some other restaurants. He just walks up and down the streets yelling with his voice, rather a microphone that some other peddlers use, and the shops hear him coming and call him in.

To be honest buying knives can be pretty cheap. When one of mine got dull I would just buy a new one. I didn't toss the old one I have them in a box under the sink. Maybe I can sell them for their weight in recyclable materials. Another peddler will come by and yell out they are buying plastic paper and metal. Another job if you need to make money quick, anyone can do it.

Begging and panhandling on the streets of Dalian is forbidden, I rarely see it. If you need money, you need to work. If you can't work there is a small social net to catch you. If you can work and choose not to then go hungry at your own choice.


China is freer than it is portrayed. China is communist in name only but is really a mixture of both socialism and capitalism. Believe it or not but there are rules and regulations in China and they are not always enforced.

As long as what you do not hurt anyone or cause a disturbance then the authority may turn a blind eye. Rules are broken by people because of livelihood needs but in the most case rules are generally followed.

I believe that where the livelihood of the people are involved the rules are lax - the government does not want an uprising on its hand. Happy people makes a stable society.

That is very true China is not being portrayed the way things really are. And you're right about the authority looking the other way when it comes making money so long as it's not hurting anyone but I will add this (which could be considered hurting someone) also as long as it's not taking from someone more powerful profits.

You know things in China are really busy and hectic and generally speaking in my experience it's quite peaceful. I rarely see violence or big crimes happen. In the news I see it but i rarely witness it. In Toronto I saw police running around with the sirens on and chasing people with guns out often.

Thanks for the comment. You got new follower. ^^

Thanks @solarguy, i would further add to that - powerful profit from powerful people.

There are crime shows shown on TV in China and re-enactment etc... so these thing do happen. However, you do hear a lot of these news but sometime later after the fact because a lot of it are suppressed by the government.

You may not agree with censorship but China with a population +1.1 billion need some form of control. If total freedom is afford to them there would be chaos and not good for society.

In fact I would go as far to say that China is much more freer that most western countries if you do not measure freedom by "freedom of the press".

Hey man. I've been living the freedom of China for almost 5 years. In many ways the freedoms are different. For me, I like the freedoms in China. I don't have to ask permission to catch a fish and I can park anywhere I want if I got the money. lol

It sometmes feel choatic but in a way it is "organised chaos".

sounds like capitalism to me...the free market.

China is king of capitalism. Like seriously. It's a republican paradise when it comes to things like this, and hell in other ways. haha

We got to get that guy a smart phone and a Steemit account!
I bet if he shared his world with us, we would all be inspired to hustle a bit more!

These types of people sure know how to hustle.

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