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RE: How Getting Naked With Strangers Killed My Social Anxiety | Exploring The Correlation Between Nudity And Trust

in #nudity6 years ago

Wow this is an amazing article and it deserves way more reward than it has received so far. Sorry I am seeing this so close to pay out. I just resteemed.

I agree with pretty much everything you say here. I personally have found it extremely liberating to be naked outside, with or without other people present - just feeling the sun on your entire body is an absolutely amazing and spiritual experience and it is sad that so many people will never remember what it is like to be naked and playing under the sun outside in nature. We all did this as kids, as you mentioned your own last time naked in public was - it is sad that sexuality has become so tied up with it that many of us have lost access to one of the most basic pleasures of being alive. I am not overstating this, in my opinion - it is one of the most healing experiences possible to feel your entire body in direct communion with nature. Bare feet in the dirt. Mountain stream on your naked skin. Sun kissing your white ass :)

Much love and big thanks to @vincentnijman for pointing out this post to me :)

Cheers - Carl


Wow thank you so much for your comment and support Carl <3
I am super happy you can agree to what I wrote here from experience. It's one of those areas where theory and practice are hugely apart.

Many years ago I would have thought people like you and me crazy, telling others how being naked can be... BENEFICIAL, not to mention what sun on the body can feel like ;)

And I feel that after years without this experience I really want to do that again and visit either a gathering this summer or some community where this is a way of life. If only for a little while.

So I want to thank you and Vincent again for letting me know you found this article useful, and for all the eyes you helped draw to it. It really means a lot to me

Much love man <3

I couldn't have said it (what Carl said) any better, although I don't have that much experience being naked in public ;)

I don't even remember being naked on the beach as a kid. My parents are - and were - pretty prudish. From what I experienced the last couple of years: 5 days on a hippy camping in Portugal - where we had to shit outside and bathe ourselves in the sea - and going to the Spa with my ex-girlfriend, I remember that it felt pretty natural and good. The fact that we are the only animals who wear clothes - except pets that are clothed by their owners - tells you enough. We strayed too far from nature and that is why we often feel miserable. Yet another reason why I want to leave the system and live a life way closer to and more in harmony with nature.

I love your story(telling) buddy!

I have a feeling we will meet very soon man, thank you so much for your feedback and building the bridge to help more people see these ideas.
You going to Boom festival this summer?

No, the time I went to (massive) festivals is over a decade ago. I have been to Rock Werchter, Belgium, 3 times at the start of this century.

Not sure if I told you about it, but I plan to live in Portugal. Let's chat some more on Discord soon ;)

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