Life after Fukushima

in #nuclear7 years ago

It happened in 2011 and it has not gotten better since the disaster first took place at Fukushima where they have great big holding tanks that are only bolted together with rubber gaskets to keep the radioactive water in and they are already starting to fail and massive amounts of radioactive water. All it will take is one good earthquake or storm to come along and thousands of tons of highly radioactive water will be released back into the worlds oceans. There is still to this day radioactive water washing out into the ocean and they have no way to stop the water. This disaster makes Chernobyl look like a really mild accident in comparison to what is occurring at Fukushima nuclear power plant.

All nuclear facilities are unsafe and need to be shutdown right away and replaced with solar or wind power plants. We can't afford to keep poisoning our selves. Radiation will eat metal and concrete and is doing so, so knowing that what do you think it's doing to all of us human beings and the wild life? Are we so ignorant that we think we have the right to continue to operate in this reckless and hostile manner? It's not a matter of if there will be another Nuclear disaster only a matter of time and many of the nuclear power plants in operation today were only designed to last 50 years. Well that time has already passed for most of them in operation today but they are still in operation.

Cancer will rise dramatically higher in the next 30 to 40 years and lots will be wondering why but the answer is staring us straight in the face right now. It's time to start shutting down these highly dangerous nuclear plants before there is not a single life form left on this earth.
Protests need to be organized and nuclear plants need to be decommissioned starting now. These power plants can not be allowed to continue to operate. Fukushima and all other Nuclear power plant companies need to be sued for killing us and putting us in danger because without the intensive to build them, they will not do so.

It's time for the people to band together and say get that out of our backyard because we don't want it here. What is more important, your life and that of your children and grandchildren or a Nuclear Power Plant that is going to kill all of us sooner or latter?


And yet there are still efforts to build new plants. How likely do you think it is that protests could succeed in shutting these new efforts down?

I think if a large enough protest could be organized and enough attention could be brought to it that we might actually be able to bring the kind of attention to the problem that we need to get these projects stopped. We really only have two options, watch them continue to put these highly dangerous ticking time bombs up or try to do everything we can to stop them. They will for sure kill us all if we can't stop them.

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