Fast painting of a girl with glasses

in #ntopaz5 years ago (edited)

ByCarmenYanes - copia.jpg

Hello how are you? ♡♡♡

Today I want to share an illustration that I did recently [Yesterday, which by the way I could not publish for the Inktober because I had no internet], as I said in the last publication of the video I am working on something else that has taken me some time, but while I finish that I am also working on the Inktober [I have the sketches of many days already finished what I have is to go with the ink...] and I took some time to make this girl, which could be a student or someone who only likes to wear hehehe glasses. In particular I like the lenses and there are many styles, the truth is that I am not an expert doing them, so I went for a simple style. Many women wear glasses they look amazing, I don't know but I like to see them but I don't wear them lol.

As this was something I did fast and simple, I didn't keep any step by step, I owe them to you but I hope that the final result is to everyone's liking. ;)


Bamboo Tablet

Grateful to all of you for seeing and supporting my new work, I would be very happy if you leave me in the comments your opinions and criticisms regarding this style or my work. His criticisms help me to grow and encourage me to work harder to improve my art.

See you soon dear community, thank you for viewing and supporting my publications. 😜

Copyright @yanes94 - All rights reserved.

Eres una artista completa y con un talento increíble, considero que cualquier tema que escoges lo sabes manejar a la perfección, me gusta mucho tu chica con toque realista, realmente es impresionante los detalles que le haces para hacerla totalmente increíble, los colores que siempre aplicas son esenciales a la hora de tener una mejor apreciación de la obra porque generalmente llama mucho la atención al lector por lo hermoso y combinado que lo haces y ese toque final que le das para hacer el constaste perfecto, el juego de sombras se ve genial. Me gusta mucho los lentes, mas los de esta temperada pero tampoco los uso así que nos quedaremos con esa ilusión, pero se ven increíbles en las personas, tu chica esta super linda y con ese cabello le da el sello de garantía y originalidad. Eres una chica con mucho talento, sigue explotando tu creatividad y la forma de proyectar tus obras con nosotros la cual es maravillosa. Felicidades amiga, eres genial


Millones de gracias querida Nathy siempre tan linda conmigo a la hora de dejarme tus increíbles criticas.

Wooooaaahh nice. That is incredibly impressive drawing. She looks so beautiful and I have a feeling that I she is going to talk to me any moment now. Very very nice.

[nTopaz Curator]

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hehehehe thank you very much honey, how good you liked it. ;)

Hermiso @yanes94!!! 😀 ⭐️⭐️⭐️

[nTopaz Curator]

This comment from the curator is for information and encouragement. The upvotes from nTopaz and rankings are based on the popularity of your art work when posted to the nTopaz platform.

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Muchas gracias amor. ;)

Wooow no sabes cuanto adoré esa textura en la blusa, le da un toque muy realista, las sombras están espectaculares. En fin, esta chica está llena de pequeños detalles que le otorgan un estilo semi realista perfecto. Me encanta

Hola cariño, gracias!!!

Me alegra que veas mi trabajo y ademas te guste... trato de esforzarme un poco para obtener buenos resultados como tu. ;)

Esta super, es como tipo realista entre lo virtual, pero realista vaya me ha gustado mucho. Y obvio me ha gustado mucho el cabello. UwU

Gracias amor, me alegra que lo veas como realista y ademas te guste. ;)

Thanks a million @bronkong for supporting my work. <3 <3 <3

Indeed she wears glasses beautifully 😉 I love your work of light and shadows on her ^_^
@yanes94 , I reach you on Discord 😊

I am excited to see you in my post, thanks for the support dear Barbara. ;)

Ready I saw it, later I write in discord with the address so you can send me my beautiful prize. <3 <3 <3

Fantastic green color! I very like this drawing!

Thank you dear Tais, I don't use to use a lot of green but in this work I liked how green looks. ;)

She is looks beautiful and smart with sunglasses :)

Yes, I wanted to focus on myself, hehehehe lie... Thank you, I'm glad you liked it. ;)

Beautiful 😍

Gracias amor, me alegra mucho que te haya gustado. ;)

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