Future Vision | Watercolor.🎨.

in #ntopaz5 years ago (edited)

Technology advances by leaps and bounds, God has given man the ability to innovate and discover things that have not made life easier.

I was inspired by this painting thinking about an event that made headlines in my country earlier this month and that has been bothering me ever since it happened.

As everyone should know in my country that there is a social, economic and especially political crisis that affects the good development of our Venezuela, the protests for the lack of service is a common denominator in several regions of the country, a young man named Rufo Velandria of only 16-year-old, who protested with family and friends about the deficiency of domestic gas service in a sector of the state of Tachira, was shot in the face with projectiles or shotgun ammunition consisting of small spheres of metal or plastic, which caused it to affect his two eyes. This action was carried out by representatives of the country's police forces.

Actually, I have not followed the news to know how it came out of the medical intervention to which this boy was going to be subjected, many say he lost both eyes.

Like this child, there are other people in the world who suffer visual limitations, I hope that in the very near future, man with the help of God can discover a device that allows them to recover the sense of sight.

This is the reason for today's painting.

This is the first participation for the FUTURISTIC CYBER ART contest, an initiative of @yanes94 and sponsored by #ntopaz.

Below I show you a photographic sequence of its preparation.


Image 1


Image 2


Image 3

To make this painting, use the following materials and tools:

Materials and tools.
A piece of cardboard.
Pencil No. 2.




Grandiosa propuesta! el hecho que hayas creado tu pieza para el bien de personas que sufren situaciones como la de este niño (cosas con la que no estamos de acuerdo la mayoría de los Venezolanos, es lamentable pero es lo que se vive aquí) es muy valioso, esperemos que en un futuro pueda existir tecnología así y puedan vivir una vida normal fuera de las sombras.
Gracias por participar! Saludos

Thank you for your appreciation, we hope in God that Venezuela will change to a better destination.

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