
Although it was once illegal to keep dogs as pets in Iceland's capital city, the laws have been relaxed.

That is crazy! Why wouldn't they be allowed?

Good skill! I like the wrinkle on the dog's neck.


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Thank you Teresa. I like giving a good massage to a dog's neck, maybe that's why I drew that part fondly ^_^.

What a fantastic piece of art! I love everything about it :D

But poor thing to be out and stranded. I hope it is living the life to the fullest <3

Yeah, it must be quite a different life for the doggo. I met this one in Thailand and they have a lot of strays over there. They usually linger around tourists' places and when I asked to my friend, she told me that it's normal, they are fed by the locals and tourists and so they're pretty friendly to be around with.
Well this one is quite fat, so it can't be that bad a life eh? XD          
Thank you again foxyspirit :).

It's a good thing people have a heart for animals! And fatness probably means he's got quite a good life. That warms my heart :)

Wow!! Que hermoso perrito! Me encanta la pose, captaste su esencia, que buen trabajo @scrawly!! Saludos!

Gracias, akarantain ^_^.

Aw, doggo! I love dog drawing/paintings you name it and this is a great one.

Hehehe, I know that you're a dog lover, Donna. You always have good taste in life ;).
Are your pets and plants going to join you in the new house?              
Thank you :D.

I like seeing each step of an artist's process, thanks for including it. Did you draw this while at the beach or take a photo for reference? (I have this image in my mind of you furiously drawing before the dog moved. 😂)
As for how great your drawing is, have you thought of commissioning to draw people's pets? (Because this is terrific - seriously.)
I think you'd make a pretty mint. (Though, maybe it wouldn't be as rewarding as creating what you want when inspired to?)

No way I draw on the beach kekeke. I was with some other people and it wasn't the right time or place to draw at all. But I did enjoy myself immensely, which is what's important right XD.
I do like drawing pets but I get a bit apprehensive about doing commission work. I think it's better for both parties if it comes naturally... they don't have to pay and I get to draw what I want hahaha. I might change my mind later of course.            
Thank you, my fellow Stein fan =).

8^) Ever come across this cosplay pic?

Whoa! They really wore the right outfit and hairstyles ... though I prefer Frankie when he's being crazy XD.

nice one this, I also like how it looks in the process gif with raw pencil and paper :)

The sketch sometime is more beautiful than the finished works, well at least for me, so I'm glad you like them both :).
Thanks Julio.

Woo! Beach dog is back.

Yep. Maybe because I'm longing to go to Thailand... or any other place that is not hellishly hot right now.

Whoah whoah this doggo really a digital drawing? :O It looks so much like traditional art!
Also I really love how the details are 'flowing'...head most detailed and by the tail details start to fade away. That's a real eye-candy for me!

Yes, it is digitally made :). I should have done more traditional drawing, but when I stoop down to draw, my eyes get tired easily. Maybe I need a better drawing table.
Thank you wilnonis =).

Aww sorry to hear that. Well if you don't have these problems making digital art, I'm sure it's only a posture problem, maybe better table really would help :)

Wow!! This dog is just like a real picture!! very wonderful art!!
The dog of this picture is thinking something…It is proof that the picture is alive!

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, they're definitely thinking... probably about food and how to get them from strangers XD.
Thanks ryo-san.

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