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RE: Sorceress

in #ntopaz6 years ago (edited)

Glad to see, that we both want to be reasonable and have an interest in understanding each other. Yes, I am from Germany. And as a German you have a certain history and with that you feel a certain responsibility.

My first comment may seem inappropriate, but if you really look at it, I never actually called anyone a nazi. You would have to be really stupid to be one today and I don't get that impression from you. I described an association and feeling I had, when first confronted with the situation. I had no intention to insult anyone.

So, you are right, to a degree, language can be an issue. People have different ways of communicating. Its particularly difficult, when its all in writing, as you miss all that we normally transport in tone, gesture and so on. You could read my text with many different voices in your head and it could even get a whole different meaning, depending what "attitude" you assign to it. A small miscommunication leads to a bigger one and before you know it, blood pressure is up and people start fighting.

I really would like to see all this deescalated. This is a social network after all, no courtroom, where every word and action can be turned against you.

Of course I see your point, when you say, "mind the beginnings" (not sure I translated it right). But you see, we also say, that the Germans missed exactly that in the 1930s and the question remains, what is the serpents egg? Again, please, by all means, I'm not accusing anyone and I don't want you to take this personally. Its just that history has taught us over here, to keep an eye on both, the prosecutor and the prosecuted. Either side has the potential to get out of control.

I can accept, that we disagree in this particular case here. I just don't see any malicious behavior or intention on Carmen's side. And when people become afraid to post here, because they might be confronted with all kinds of trouble, because they forgot something or violated a rule without malicious intent, it will surely be the end of steem. We can accuse almost anyone of acting with evil intent if we want to see it this way, just like we can choose to see it the other way round.

Again, please let me appeal to your humanity and compassion. Give the benefit of the doubt and get a second opinion from an independent party on what looks like evidence. Give the accused the opportunity to explain their view with the honest intention to consider it as true.

--- edit:

For some reason, I hadn't seen the second part of your comment. It popped up only now, after I came back to see if I had made any mistakes in my reply.

I thank you for your kind words about me and although I try to act according to certain standards, I certainly am not without fault.

I have given your concept a lot of thought, as I try to see things from different angles and understand different views. Again, I understand your point quite well and if it was about a professional artist from say western Europe, I would measure them by these standards too. But here I try to understand a different mentality and a different way to do things.

Thank you again for that second part of your comment and your kind compliments, which are very flattering, but for me also the reason, to try to inspire and encourage within the artist community, as this is in my humble opinion the only way to help people grow.

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