[Winner Announcement] Global Singing Competition / [수상작 발표] 글로벌 노래자랑

in #ntopaz6 years ago (edited)


[Winner Announcement] Global Singing Competition

Hello! This is nTOPAZ, the ultimate blockchain community for artists. First, we would like to thank everyone who participated in the contest.
Your support is the fuel of this community. We nTOPAZ have reviewed every single artwork carefully. Shall we see who the winners are, then? (drumroll)

1 - 1,000 TOPAZ tokens + 100 STEEM

@catwomanteresa - [CO] Fall in love slowly [慢慢喜歡你]

2 - 600 TOPAZ tokens + 60 STEEM

@siamcat - [CO] nTOPAZ Global Singing/ Sing for charity, support Fundition projects

3 - 400 TOPAZ tokens + 40 STEEM

@bbooaae - [CO] Yoon Jong Shin-Uphill [윤종신.오르막길]

Congratulations to the selected artists! We nTOPAZ enjoyed looking at artworks from different perspectives.
Let's move on to the reviews for the award-winning pieces.

First, let's take a look at 3rd place.
@bbooaae - [CO] Yoon Jong Shin-Uphill [윤종신.오르막길]


She is the star of the honor of being the first to participate in the nTOPAZ global singing contest. The price of the steem is going down and everyone is going to have a hard time.
Even though it's a hard road, she sang it calmly with the lyrics of warm comfort. It was really comforting.

Next, the 2nd place song.
@siamcat - [CO] Ntopaz Global Singing/ Sing for charity, support Fundition projects


It's about a Thai song which compared the love to the sky. She said she wanted to introduce nTOPAZ and Fundition projects and encourage participation. She asked for permission from her family about her public exposure and said they would like it because they don't feel ashamed of her motives.
It was a great opportunity to listen to Thailand's love song. We want to compliment you on your good motives, too!

The long-awaited # 1!
@catwomanteresa - [CO] Fall in love slowly - 慢慢喜歡你


Such love……. slowly, sweet, but meaningful forever.
It contains lyrics that make us think about the fast love of modern people, which comes in an intense way, but it dies away very quickly.
It was a perfect and beautiful song featuring the sweet voice of @catwomanteresa, stable MR, and high-quality video editing.

Thank you for your hard work. We hope you enjoyed the creating process! Again, your support is much appreciated.

*The selected artists will be paid within a week. TOPAZ token is stored in DB. In the near future, you can check it through 'My wallet'.
*Art review always includes subjective perspectives.
*We have tried to write reviews from different perspectives from our end. Thank you for understanding.

We nTOPAZ will work harder to create a better environment. Don't forget to comment and stay active!
Thank you.

[수상작발표] 글로벌 노래자랑

글로벌 노래자랑 수상작 발표

안녕하세요! 크리에이터를 위한 공간을 만드는 엔토파즈입니다. 먼저 콘테스트에 관심 가져주시고, 참여해주신 모든 분들의 성원에 진심으로 감사드립니다.
여러분이 보여준 열정만큼, 엔토파즈도 열정을 다해 작품을 감상했습니다. 그럼 콘테스트 수상자를 발표하도록 하겠습니다!

1위 - 1,000 TOPAZ tokens + 100 STEEM

@catwomanteresa - [CO] Fall in love slowly [慢慢喜歡你]

2위 - 600 TOPAZ tokens + 60 STEEM

@siamcat - [CO] nTOPAZ Global Singing/ Sing for charity, support Fundition projects

3위 - 400 TOPAZ tokens + 40 STEEM

@bbooaae - [CO] Yoon Jong Shin-Uphill [윤종신.오르막길]

선정되신 분들께 축하드립니다! 엔토파즈에서는 다양한 관점에서 작품을 감상하였습니다. 수상 작품에 대한 감상평 한줄 함께 보시죠!

3위 먼저 감상하겠습니다.
@bbooaae - [CO] Yoon Jong Shin-Uphill [윤종신.오르막길]


nTOPAZ 글로벌 노래자랑 최초 참가작이란 영예의 주인공입니다. 스팀의 가격이 하염없이 떨어지고 다들 힘들어 할 요즘의 현실을 위로하듯 고된 길일지라도 함께 가자는 따뜻한 위로의 가사와 함께 담담하게 불러주셨어요.
정말 위로가 되었던 곡이었습니다.

다음은 2위 수상곡입니다.
@siamcat - [CO] Ntopaz Global Singing/ Sing for charity, support Fundition projects


"사랑을 하늘과 비교한 노래"라고 참가곡을 소개했구요. nTOPAZ 와 Fundition 프로젝트를 소개하고 참여를 유도하고 싶다고 밝히셨어요. 직접 얼굴을 노출하는 부담을 가족들에게도 동의를 얻고 부끄럽지 않은 동기를 갖고 참여한다면 그들도 좋아할 것이다며 소감을 표현하셨습니다.
이번 기회를 통해 태국의 사랑노래를 들어보게 되어 좋았습니다. 좋은 동기에도 칭찬해 주고 싶습니다!

대망의 1위!
@catwomanteresa - [CO] Fall in love slowly - 慢慢喜歡你


천천히, 달콤히...하지만 영원히 의미있는 사랑.
현대인의 빠른 사랑은 강하고 빠르게 다가오지만 이내 곧 사라진다는 현시대의 패스트푸드적 사랑에 대해 한번쯤 생각하게 하는 가사를 담았습니다.
@catwomanteresa의 감미로운 목소리와 안정적인 MR, 그리고 수준 높은 영상편집 능력이 돋보였던 완벽하고 아름다운 한곡의 노래였습니다.

좋은 작품 출품해주셔서 감사합니다. 즐거운 작품창작 과정 가지셨길 바라며, 작품에 대한 열정을 보여주신 참가자분들께 리스펙을 보냅니다. 다시 한번 여러분의 많은 성원과 참여에 감사드립니다.

***선정되신 수상자께는 일주일 내에 시상금이 지급될 예정입니다. TOAPZ 토큰은 DB에 저장되며 곧 마이웰릿을 통해 적립여부를 확인하실 수 있습니다 **
*예술은 언제까지나 주관적인 관점을 포함합니다.
*감상평을 통한 시상자 선정에 많은 공감 부탁드립니다.

꾸준히 발전하는 엔토파즈가 되도록 노력하겠습니다. 앞으로도 많은 관심과 적극적인 참여 부탁드립니다.



Congratulations @catwomanteresa! Such a beautiful voice and a beautiful person !!! <3 <3 <3

Congrats also @siamcat <3 Another very beautiful person with very lovely singing voice <3 <3 <3

And also congrats to @bbooaae :D Very good singing and video <3

Thank you so much, dear

Beautiful voices, congrats to all:)

Huuraa, 🎉

Thank you sooo much, I will donate the prize to some charity projects at fundition ❤️

You are a talented and generous soul, siamcat <3.


Congratulations to all the winners! catwomanteresa and siamcat, you two are truly talented <3.

Congrats Teresa 🎊

Congrats to you too

Posted using Partiko Android

Your voice is so beautiful and soft, I enjoyed watching you sing ^_^.

Thank you so much😘🌷

Posted using Partiko Android

Hello @ntopaz, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

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