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RE: A Witch & her Familiar gathering writing supplies

in #ntopaz5 years ago

I so love your B&W drawings. True Black and White. Kind of a Ansel Adams approach to drawn art. And I so enjoy this drawing of your witch and her 'familiar'. I had to go off and read a bit about that. Not a term I was fully familiar with. (No pun intended, it just came out that way when those two words rammed together on the page.)
Your ladies' familiar (the true one, not the octopod) reminds me of Stinky the Cat, who used to ride about on my shoulder. Hmm, maybe there is something here I had not thought of before. She DID have magical powers, though most were related to emptying a food dish and power napping with the best of them....

I have been SO remiss in chatting on here. But I am quite sure you understand, as staying busy seems to be a norm these days. Now that tax season is over, that might help. Though there is always SOMETHING I really should be doing, every minute of the day. They just never seem to be gotten TO.
I hope this little note finds you happy and enjoying life, even though you are getting 'battened' a bit by the weather, there at Toad Hall. Though what a grand way to spend a day, snug inside with your art, watching the weather bash itself about on the outer reaches of your warm and cozy house within. Cheerio(s) my friend.


Thanks @ddschteinn and I'm glad my little drawing sent you searching for the symbiotic realtionship of witch and cat :)

Well, Magic comes in all forms and finishing a food bowl can be one. My dear sweet Puss had a magic for mousing. She was a legendar mouser and since her passing we've had to resort to traps, horrid things. I feel bad killing them like that at least with Puss it was the cycle of life.

It was a good day to be inside yesterday, that is for sure. I really wanted to captrue the more dramatic look and sound of the waves, but my phone did not do it justice.

We then lost power about half an hour after this post for the remainder of the day. Luckily @winstonalden was home (his day off) and he helped me move a bunch of things about the house as I am often want to do. Busy day to the song of waves and now power or lights to aid us. Just another day at Toad Hall.

Toad sounds like a very exciting place to live. Back to the no power thing. That might get old now and then. But it's the joy, I suppose, of living 'on the water'. Or at least a stone's throw away from it.
I can relate to the mouse thing. The Stink HATED mice, had some sort of deep-seated 'thing' about them, and would do them in with a vengence. Once she passed on, we've had to do the same thing. Despite numerous rally meetings, how-to-mouse manuals, discussions, admonishments, and even an online kitty tutorial "The Mouse and You", NONE of the other cats have picked up the interest. I thought this mousing thing waas supposed to be a genetically innate thing in all puss's. Large Sigh [Here].
Well, I'm off, (and leaving this comment too O :
I hope your day is grand, and the electricity stays on. Oh, and what do you mean by moving stuff about. Just pushing the furniture around now and then to shake things up? Just have to be Curious D here. Cheers, my friend in the occasional dark and no-heat drear

Sorry I'm just seeing this now @ddschteinn but as I said, very busy. I do love Toad Hall. It suits me rather well as an introvert. The quiet of a mainly Summer area on a point in the sea is just about heaven. The only thing that would make it my Dream Home would be if it would be picked up and dropped into the UK either Kent or Devon, really any Southern county in the UK would make me happy :) But, beggars, as they say, cannot be choosers.

I miss Puss though I never asked for her. She simply was part of the house when we inherited. It was the last of a long line of cats that belonged to the grandfather.

"Moving Stuff About" means I am in the process of trying to re-arrange the main house as we have decided to move to the boat house for the Summer to let the main house for Summer lets. It will help us with the costs of such a place as this, which needs SO much work and is a bit high on the tax (both due to being on the Sea and our living in the state of TAXachusetts)

It's sort of exciting as we used to live in the Boat House in the Summers back in the day. When The grandfather lived in the main house we were there for a few Summers, it's small but funky and well, also on the sea, so no complaints there. BUT I have a lot of work to do, so that means ART as well as Garden and Decorating and Rehab (doing over the main bathroom) what we put up with will not do for paying guests, I can assure you of that :)

Well, that's a long catch up and I'm sure I'm missing good chats on your post. I'll try and get there tomorrow morning. I'm offline now for the day, ta!

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