Made in the USSR/Сделано в СССР

in #ntopaz5 years ago

Добро пожаловать или сделано в СССР.
Я искал инструмент для резьбы по дереву.
Чего-нибудь не хватает иногда для хобби.
Недалеко от моего дома есть небольшой рынок старых вещей.
Я бы назвал его рынком ненужных вещей.
Но всё же полезные штуки там встречаются.
Бродя по этому старому рынку, я увидел любопытную секцию.
Всё свободное пространство было занято.
Сейчас покажу чем именно.

Welcome or made in the USSR.
I was looking for a tool for wood carving.
Something is sometimes missing for a hobby.
Near my house there is a small market for old things.
I would call it a market for unnecessary things.
But still useful things are found there.
Wandering around this old market, I saw a curious section.
All free space was occupied.
Now I will show what exactly.

Из этого динамика возможно раздавался голос Левитана и он много чего помнит.

From this speaker, perhaps the voice of Levitan was heard and he remembers a lot of things.

Похожий Дед Мороз был в каждой семье.
Он стоял под ёлкой и раздавал подарки.

A similar Ded Moroz (Santa Claus) was in every family.
He stood under the spruce tree and handed out gifts.

Здесь есть много старых новогодних игрушек.
Когда-то они висели на новогодних ёлках.
Они сделаны из натурального стекла.
Тперь больше игрушек продаётся из пластика и нет такого разнообразия фигурок.

There are many old New Year's toys here.
Once they hung on New Year's trees.
They are made of natural glass.
Now more toys are sold in plastic and there is no such variety of figures.

Взрослые тёти наверняка вспомнят своих кукол из детства.
Признавайтесь, кто в них не играл или не мечтал поиграть

Adult aunts will probably remember their dolls from childhood.
Admit who did not play them or did not dream to play

Это тоже бренд ушедшей эпохи.
Фигурки из фарфора.
Сейчас появляется мода их коллекционировать и они порой дорого стоят. Во времена СССР они были очень доступны и украшали быт.
Разве они не милы.

This is also a brand of a bygone era.
Porcelain figurines.
Now there is a fashion to collect them and they are sometimes expensive. In the days of the USSR, they were very accessible and decorated life.
Aren't they sweet.

Это символ 90-х годов.
У меня нет настальгии по СССР, но я помню сколько там было хорошего.
И я знаю, сколько плохого принесли перемены.
Я долго живу и мне есть что с чем сравнивать.
Ломать - не лучший способ получить новое.

This is a symbol of the 90s.
I do not have nastalgia for the USSR, but I remember how much was good there.
And I know how much bad change has brought.
I live a long time and I have something to compare.
Breaking is not the best way to get new.

Рынок старых вещей похож на зеркало...

The market for old things looks like a mirror...

Я не уверен, подойдёт ли мой пост для nTOPAZ и его конкурса "brand story", но ставлю #ntopaz.
И конечно не могу забыть о Denis и её замечательном #marketfriday.

Я не знаю, где я буду завтра и в эту пятницу.
Мы уезжаем в маленькое путешествие в Карелию.
Не уверен в связи и интернете.
Поэтому всё происходит сейчас.
Хорошего дня и доброй недели.

I'm not sure if my post is suitable for nTOPAZ project and his competition "brand story", but I put #ntopaz.
And of course I can’t forget about Denis (@dswigle) and her wonderful #marketfriday.

I don’t know where I will be tomorrow and this Friday.
We are going on a short trip to Karelia.
I am not sure about the connection and the Internet.
Therefore, everything is happening now.
Have a nice day and good week.

Sony A7M2 1,4 35


in Russian, such markets of 2-nd handed stuff are usually named 'baraholka' or even 'tolkuchka'. in English, the correct name probably is the 'flea market'.
and, I disagree with you at this point: 'Я бы назвал его рынком ненужных вещей.' It is a place of a lot of useful things, that you can not get anywhere else. The problem is, it is not the folks selling their stuff for cheap... not any more!
~ ~ ~
В очень большой мере (во всяком случае, это касается всяких интересных винтажных вещиц) всё это продают перекупщики, а не владельцы. Они взвинчивают цены, и коллекционирование становится нерентабельным и невозможным. увы...

Да, в этих ларьках есть и скупка. У одних они покупают, другим продают. Раньше это называлось фарца или спекуляция, теперь бизнес)))
flea market :) надо запомнить)) ... не хотел писать слова flea ))

мой издатель там всё время трётся, он коллекционирует советские реликвии, ну и поскольку уже сечёт фишку не первый десяток лет -- то очень хорошо в курсе.

Не моя тема, но отдельные штучки нравятся)

Those hanging christams tree ornaments are so pretty! Love the old fashioned ones with different shapes :)

And I think I have some coins like that back at my parents home. I have a tin full of all kinds of coins found here and there or brought from trips.

I remember these decorations for the New Year tree from childhood.
I have such coins.
1962 pure copper.

@ewkaw, seems we all have such tin cans

i love all the little tchotchkes in this market! we have antique stores or markets like this indoors. fun!

these little things excite the memory, it's really fun :) lol

👍 забавно. Ком бек ин юэсэса

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погружение в прошлое))

Я тоже вчера грузанулся. 🙈

Posted using Partiko iOS

А как я вчера грузанулся... ПАРОВОЗ, реально ПАРОвоз, действующий, даже целых два, образца 28 и 47 годов... )

Рад знакомству. Отичный пост. Есть что почерпнуть.

Взаимно)) Благодарствую)

Old cameras!!!! Did you bought one? Did you? Diiiiid youuuuu?! :D

I do not collect cameras, but I already have a lot of them :D

It is sometimes very nice just to look at all the old stuff again and remember the good memories of a bygone era!!

I agree, these are markers of our memory :р

Love porcelain figurines. 😊

There are many very good :-)

Not to worry! I found you. I'm just a little slow. That was an incredibly wonderful Market and I am so glad that you brought us there. I lived in Europe for a while and always make sure I had money for the country that I was in and so I had a shoebox full of different coins from everywhere. I tried to spend as many as I could but I'm sort of glad that there were some leftovers as they don't make them anymore. That makes me a little bit sad because the coins were very interesting.

The market near your house has some very nostalgic things in there I do love the big speaker and it made me laugh because oh, well who doesn't want a big speaker in their house! The Christmas ornaments or the New Year's tree ornaments are beautiful as I was looking at them, I recognized many glitter in my possession from my grandparents and my parents. They're all glass and they just make my tree look beautiful. Dolls are the same no matter where you go aren't they? I do love the store! It must be a bygone era like you said because my grandmother and even my mother at some point had figurines all through the house and we are Americans so I guess it's a worldwide thing. That is a nice way of thinking about it that's it that it decorated life. I have never heard that but that is such a sweet way of saying it.

There's so many people that were very happy and not at all nostalgic for the USSR and of course with all the propaganda it's hard for me to know what was good there and what was not, although I know that there was a bot that was not good, I am sure that just like I have memories of found things, you have the same and I am pretty sure that some of the changes that it brought we're not very comfortable. I was in Europe when the wall fell and so I had visited my cousins in communist countries and then went later after the fall. Some people loved it and many people did not love the change because they were comfortable in their life. So in some ways I feel bad that things change that you are happy with, but I hope that there were many things for the better.

I want to thank you for bringing this to Market Friday because in the big scheme of things, I want to bridge the gap between cultures and it's very interesting to share the different cultures that we have. You have made me very happy with your post and I am so grateful that you posted here. As always I wish you a most wonderful day!

#MarketFriday loves you !

Upped and steemed


My pleasure :-)
Thank you so much @dswigl, much appreciated.
Many gizmos unite different cultures and make them common. In fact, we are all one big people on planet Earth. Only thanks to some freaks there are borders, walls and wars. There are those who need it. I despise them, these are not people.
Everything that leads to borders and conflicts goes against nature.
NATURE is already starting to put things in order. And she will do it.
Recently I visited Karelia. There was also a stone shop. The following story will be about him.
Happy #MarketFriday !!!

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My pleasure :-)

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