a jump on the wave - watercolor /// un salto sull'onda - acquarello

in #ntopaz5 years ago (edited)


A jump on the wave

2  0  1  9
watercolor on paper

just my photos

apertura 2017 olio su tela cm.100x50 avalaible.jpg

A jump on the wave

I'm just learning to jump.
Jumping at foot, pole vaulting, skipping lunch, skipping a sentence.
Jump over the waves, over the waves of the sea.
Breathe clean air, play with the table, let yourself be kissed by the sun.
Living inside and slipping like oil on a smooth and wavy marble.

A wonderful sport, which only those who love the sea can understand the reasons.
The pleasure of sliding on the waves is equal to that of a writing with creativity, a poetic composition, a successful musical phrase.


It's like painting a picture full of colors and being immersed in it.
It is energy you feel inside and you breathe in deeply from the sea air.
It is balance and technique, but also passion and faith.
If you start you can no longer stop, with any weather, with every sea and with every wind.
Wait, in the water the right wave, go up quickly and look for balance.
You learn to solve balance problems with practice, but above all with perseverance and passion.


Any jump or obstacle you can ride or overcome.
Just believe.
A hug from the waves.

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Un salto sull'onda

Sto soltanto imparando a saltare.
Saltare a pié pari, salto con l'asta, saltare il pranzo, saltare una frase.
Saltare le onde, sopra le onde del mare.
Respirare aria pulita, giocare con la tavola, lasciarsi baciare dal sole.
Vivere dentro e scivolare come olio su un marmo liscio e ondulato.

Uno sport meraviglioso, che solo chi ama il mare può capirne le ragioni.
Il piacere di scivolare sulle onde è pari a quello di una scrittura con creatività, di un componimento poetico, di una frase musicale ben riuscita.

E' come dipingere un quadro pieno di colori ed esserne immerso dentro.
E' energia che senti dentro e inspiri a pieni polmoni dall'aria marina.
E' equilibrio e tecnica, ma anche passione e fede.
Se inizi non riesci più a smettere, con ogni tempo meteorologico, con ogni mare e con ogni vento.

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Aspetti, nell'acqua l'onda giusta, sali rapidamente e cerchi l'equilibrio.
Impari a risolvere i problemi dell'equilibrio con la pratica, ma soprattutto con la perseveranza e la passione.
Qualsiasi salto o ostacolo puoi cavalcare o superare.
Basta crederci.

Un abbraccio dalle onde.

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https://www.ntopaz.com/ go for a ride, for art lovers.

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Again a series of gorgeous paintings and nice post!!!
BTW that wall art of the wave was also painted by you? :D
I'm gonna make my first mural very soon and kinda nervous, any tips you can give to a novice?

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Yes thank you dear friend.
A tip: make a good drawing to scale, treat the wall with a product (fixative) and always have fun. ciao @melooo182

Excellent artwork, @armandosodano! The surfer dude is really charming!

when do we want to go surfing together? @trincowski

Ahahaj. I don't surf nor skate. I don't have the balance to get away with it! 😊

Jumping on the waves - it is always an unforgettable experience. When I am at the very top, it always seems to me that I can fly. This is amazing.
Thanks for this positive post)

thank you so much! a hug

Fantastic painting, I love the warm colors in the sky and how they mix with the cold water. The surfer, like an ethereal form seems to blend and become one with the ocean.

Thanks for sharing!!

thank you very much for your comment @siucatti

Ma chi è il "pesciolino" che esce dall'acqua?!?!? 😂😂😂

Scusa Armando, ogni tanto una cazzata la devo sparare!!!

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azz non mi è arrivato nulla, mica sono astemio!

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si ma lo sfizio di vedere il boccale ... non lo vedo! Grazie infinite comunque

Aspetta, ti trovo la foto del boccale se riesco, intanto ti mando un'altra !BEER!! 🍺🍺🍺🍺

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