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RE: Made of Modules - Nth Society design strategy

You're hitting the nail on the head with this.

" using modular design the game is infinitely extensible."

The first thought I had was crime. Raiders, ruffians, home invasions, courts, armies, etc...
Extensibility and modularity would be essential to fully consider how such matters would play out.

I think failing to make plug ins for such matters would cripple the ability of the game to test social mechanisms.


Yes, absolutely, extensibility also means we don't need to know everything up front, which we don't 😅

The first thought I had was crime. Raiders, ruffians, home invasions, courts, armies, etc...

You know I don't mean to sound just contrary here, but these are good example of the exact kinds of things that modules are not needed for!

All of those things are a product of human organization, all of which can happen without any specific support, bar the ability to write and keep records, build buildings, make weapons etc.

However it does touch on an idea that I want to share with the community and will do in more detail soon, but here's the gist: complex starting conditions for a new world. So instead of the usual thing of people just spawning in a random location, or a very simple location like a little three shack village, that people spend time to develop a scenario before gameplay actually starts.

I can't discuss this idea with you more on Discord, I don't want to think outloud to might right now, but what do you think?

Well, to take the last first, I reckon that's perhaps something that some players will deeply enjoy. One of the things folks like most about the MMOs is collecting a suite of gear that are individualized, from their boots of sorrow to their weeping cap. Designing initial conditions would maximize such individualization.

As to modularity of the level and degree of brigandry, I suppose it is an example of how your idea for a brief essay regarding how gameplay worked would have better informed me. This worked just fine, I guess =p

Indeed, there's since things that are unclear, but a primary concept is game support for the material only, as far as that's possible. Extrapolate everything else from there.

Thanks 😄

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