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RE: Warrantless Searches are Coming!

in #nsfw7 years ago

This bill is certainly not ideal, and could lead to abuse... however to state that it's purpose is for people to live in fear is simple fearmongering propaganda.

Let's look at the problematic text, shall we?

"Enter upon the WMATA Rail System and, upon reasonable notice and a finding by the chief executive officer that a need exists, upon any lands, waters, and premises adjacent to the WMATA Rail System, including, without limitation, property owned or occupied by the federal government, for the purpose of making inspections, investigations, examinations, and testing as the Commission may deem necessary to carry out the purposes of this MSC Compact, and such entry shall not be deemed a trespass. The Commission shall make reasonable reimbursement for any actual damage resulting to any such adjacent lands, waters, and premises as a result of such activities;"

I've highlighted the relevant pieces. The first is "upon reasonable notice" which means that no, no one will be surprising busting into anyone's home. You'll have notice.

The second is "a finding by the chief executive officer." This isn't ideal, as it should come from a judge but this does mean someone has to make a determination as to the reasoning and need to do so. This isn't particularly different from getting a warrant, except that it isn't a judge making the decision.

Furthermore, the "without limitation" piece is applied to "property owned or occupied by the federal government." Not personal, private property.

Lastly this bill only applies to land adjacent to the metro system in four states. So in terms of private property this only applies to people who own land adjacent to those tracks... which is a tiny fraction of the population.

Sorry, but if you're trying to instill fear in a populace you need to "terrorize" far more people than this... often by doing things like claiming an organization is out to get people, then cherry picking examples of violence and showing videos completely unrelated to the subject.

Stop with the propaganda. Start with actual thought. The "free thought project" is anything but.


You literally have Nazi marches in the US, but you find nothing wrong with with the current climate:

You couldn't recognize Hitler if he stood right next to you. This is exactly the same thing happening all over again as in the 1920.

First there were marches, then the SA started beating people up in the streets, and the rest of it is already known.

You have a very troublesome climate there, but you don't even realize it.

No, I do realize it.

You know what I see though? The vast majority of our population fighting against the Nazi marchers. Trump's administration is falling apart. After Charlottesville, there was a massive counter protest in Boston against the Nazis and barely any of the Nazis showed up. After that, white supremacists cancelled over 60 marches that had already been scheduled.

So yes, there are absolutely scary things going on in my country right now. But the majority of the public is fighting against it, and I think we're winning.

The Nazis are a very small collection of loons in the US, that pose no real long term issues.

The real issue is with the Antifa and BLM groups on the left, that have adopted a policy of violence when they can't get political support any other way.

The MSM has created a monster, with new left wing groups that believe in and are founded on violence. It is going to be hard to put that genie back into the bottle, now that MSM has let it loose.

That is exactly the narrative white supremacists are using to gain power. Key word being narrative.

Meanwhile, BLM started as a reaction to police violence against black people. In places where the FBI found clear evidence that the police were treating black people unfairly:

Antifa also sprung up as a reaction to growing fascist movements in the US, and frankly are barely even a presence beyond a Reddit group where half the members are conservatives taunting the actual antifa people. Conservatives who constantly post videos to their own propaganda sites showing "antifa violence" but somehow never show how it started. They do love to post videos about how they kick antifa ass though:

I love the part where a guy punches a woman just standing there.

A monster was created, but not by the MSM. It was created by the GOP to create hatred against liberals... which is basically the only thing tying the party together at this point.

you are delusional, or misinformed, or you are intentionally spreading FUD as part of your campaign of violence

99% of all demonstrations leading to public violence in last two years has been initiated by left wing groups like BLM and AntiFa

these groups have as their core tenet - violence to achieve political goals

BLM is a fraud that was started with hands up dont shoot BS from Michael Brown in St. Louis

The same group that gave us "pigs in a blanket, fry like bacon".

Have there been injustices y police against blacks? Yes. There are bad seeds in every group, and there are bad cops.

But if you really cared even the slightest bit about black lives, the topics you would be PEACEFULLY protesting about would include:

  • all the black on black violence across the US, Chicago as a prime example

  • the educational system that is failing blacks, Chicago as a prime example

  • the break up of the black family by the government welfare state, which leads to all sorts of negative outcomes for the next generation.

Yep, you hit all the alt-right talking points. Good job. I'm not going to debate you when it's clear you want to believe their lies.

EDIT: And I'm not antifa or BLM, your insinuation that I have a violent agenda just shows how the right has poisoned you against your fellow Americans. Anyone who doesn't agree with you must be one of "them" right?

But again, this bill is not one of those scary things.


If the govern-cements follow a play book, A,B,C,D,E... every time.
And the nazis in Germany did A,B,C,D,E...
And now, A,B,C has happened in this country.
Is it fear-mongering to say that it looks like we are going down the same path?

I suggest you read Gulag Archipelago. After which, you will come back here and rewrite your comment, and say that you are very sorry. And that @profitgenerator was being polite and not going far enough. Or, you are govern-cement shill.

There are a lot of scary things happening in my country right now. There are a lot of valid comparisons between Trump and Hitler.

This is not one of them.

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