in #nsfw6 years ago

You are not in chains

Lust is a sexual desire that dishonours the body and disregards God. It disregards the promises and the warnings of having or losing the beauties of Christ.

The lusted after woman or man in your head or on the screen or on the street is dishonoured and not treated as a sacred, precious eternal person in the image of God. The only way this kind of dishonour can be carried out and hold sway is by disregarding God while we are in the sway of lust.

Now ponder with me for a few minutes the natural and spiritual role of self control in relation to lust.

Addiction is a relative term. I say it is a relative term because what might seem as an addiction to one person may not be seen as an addiction to another. I will stake my life on the guess that none of you reading this today is absolutely addicted to pornography or any sexual sin and soon you will know why I have decided to take this stand and make this wild conclusion.

Now what I mean is that, if for any reason, the stakes are high enough and sure enough, you will have the self control you need to conquer any sexual temptation. In other words, with a very strong reason you will have self control and if that’s the case, why would you say you are addicted to porn? Addiction is a word used when a particular habit can’t be controlled for example, those who have been addicted to hard drugs usually fall sick when they don’t take the drug or substance they are addicted to and need severe corrections to get that habit off them, but for pornography, it becomes a different ball game all together.

I will go further to buttress my point here with an example.

Let’s say that you are feeling totally in the sway of sexual desire, more blazing and more powerful than you have ever felt in your entire life, and you believe in yourself that you cannot resist the temptation to look at some nudity online and masturbate and then suddenly, a black hooded ISIS member drags your best pal or your spouse to the room with a knife at his throat and says, “If you look at that picture or watch that porn video, I will slit his throat”, trust me you will have self control. You won’t dare click on that picture or video. So permit me to say YOU ARE NOT ADDICTED.

You won't click

Owk here Is another example. If a man walks into the room and says, ‘’if you look at that nudity or click on that porn site, I will not give you the million dollars I have in this bag for you”. Will you not have self control? Oh yes, you will have total self control. So why say you are addicted to pornography?

The truth is, 99% of those who give way to lust, pornography, fornication or any sexual desire are not decisively controlled by their sexual desire, they are decisively controlled by what they believe.

They are controlled by what they believe will happen if they act on the lust or don’t and that’s what controls them and not the sexual desire. In other words, if they believe that the stakes are high enough and they are very sure about it, they will have self control and not let their sexual desires lead.

So why do we make the excuse of saying that we are addicted to pornography or say we cannot control our sexual lusts? We have simply not found a strong reason to have self control and that’s where our problem lies. If you are sure that your best pal will die a gruesome death if you click on that porn video or you are very sure that the million dollars in that bad is real money, you will not click on that porn video. So why not get a reason for yourself today.

Do you feel you have no reason? Do you feel any of the examples I have given isn’t realistic enough for you? How about losing eternity with Christ if you click on the porn video? How about facing the agony of hell if you click on that porn video? How about the adverse effect of masturbating so much which would make you lose your sperm count and not be able to bear children in future?

Moment of sober reflection

I do not know who this message is going out to but I want you to stop making the excuse of addiction and find a reason for yourself today. It might be difficult at first but just bear in mind that YOU ARE NOT ADDICTED TO PORNOGRAPGHY and you will see yourself gradually stop and become a better person.

Till we meet again…I remain your humble motivator.

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