[NAUGHTY-FRIDAY] RopeDay bondage - Polina

in #nsfw6 years ago

Disclaimer: All models in photos older than 18 years. All recorded in the photographs is made by mutual informed consent. Public accommodation is coordinated with models and photographers. No one was hurt, everyone is happy.

Freestyle-shibari at "RopeDay Moscow"
Bondage by @master-set
Model Polina

Thanks for a FISH!


Wow! such a wonderful photography. So hot and sexy style . I have never seen the pictures. Really your photography is awesome. Thanks for share this post.


Pictureno 4and 7 really amazing face expressions (both male and female)
Specially love this one...


How much rehearsal do you do for these shows?

Nothinhg. It's not a show, just a party action

damn good position.

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