Headed Down for a Nap

in #nsfw6 years ago


It's a working weekend. Showing folks around & doing the schmoozy thing. I'm getting overtime though, and getting fed. Double plus YAY!


I was able to head home for a bit while my guests are out with others, so I got some other stuff done & am ready for a nap.


The bedroom is warm and cozy, there's a sweet breeze in through the windows, and the birds are chirping away. I'd rather be gardening, but i gotta head back out in two hours & there's no point in showering a second time today.


I hope everyone's weekend is wonderful in the exact ways that are needed.




You are so appealing and that ass of your drives me wild. How about I come over there and eat you front back to front?

Oh honey, you know I'm thinking about you when I'm taking some of these 😉💋

Nice! Gorgeous as always! This may be an odd compliment, I suppose, but that color of green looks absolutely amazing next to your gorgeous skin. And that HAIR! MMmmmm

No compliment is an odd compliment, dear one! I noticed it when I got ready to lay down & realized I'd be a fool to just go immediately to sleep.

Thank you! xoxo

Ah, green undies, red hair. Nice pairing, my sweet.

Thank you, my darling! :)

I think you did a great job, the photos are sweet. Never guessed you took them yourself! I know that's not easy! 😉

Thanks! 💋

Lots of propping up on stuff. Looking into phone tripods & I need to get better at using my real camera. The phone is so much faster, though!

I get what you're saying, it takes more time using a camera 😅

I need to stop being lazy, though! I have been chatting with some people who are interested in possibly doing photoshoots, so we'll see what happens there. It's still a few months out, though.

sbif no pussy in this one

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