Nature Is My God, My Body Is My Temple

in #nsfw6 years ago (edited)


Do You Believe In Fairies?

The forest has always given me a sense of magic, weather it’s the redwoods massive ancient presence or little trickling springs. I have always enjoyed reading and my favorite genre is fantasy, I use to wonder if life had secret magic and mystery and when I am in places like this I know it does.



Nature should be worshiped, it’s unforgiving, horrific, gentle and breathtakingly beautiful, nature is the truest god I have ever witnessed. We wouldn’t be here without it, we could not survive without it’s nourishment and support. Nature is being taken advantage of we as a species have raped these lands and have forgotten how important it is to give thanks and give back to our mother for all that we have taken and all that she has given us.



Give thanks to nature for supporting the vessel that tethers you to this reality, I worship within a temple which nature provided to me and I give thanks for every gift of a day.




Very sexy! OMG


I firmly believe that man fears its primordial being of existence. which is why we are taking advantage of nature, instead of becoming one with the ecosystem. This must change, if not then we will not leave room for nature at all. awesome thought provoking literature, along with beautiful scenes and bodaciousness.

Your body is a temple. Amazing pictures in the forrest!

It must feel great being naked and free out in the forest! Thank you for the sexy and inspirational post!

Nature is my church for sure, I need to get out and explore often or I go a little crazy. Beautiful photos!

Exacto, la naturaleza es espectacular, mantiene a la humanidad, sencillamente, porque ella, simboliza o simplemente fue hecha por Dios, o simplemente es Dios. de la naturaleza obtenemos todo lo que necesitamos para subsistir, las plantas, purifican el oxigeno que respiramos, los frutos y demás productos o bienes que necesitamos provienen de esta, el agua, es la fuente de vida de todo, de los arboles, las plantas, los animales y de todo ser viviente, sin ella es imposible la vida sobre la tierra.

It looks so freeing to strip down in a woods somewhere. You and I have the same body type, so I can kind of imagine it through you.

I like your title to this, it is my philosophy too.

It is incredibly freeing, you can live vicariously through me all you want but you gotta try it out yourself one day! 🙂

I think the same! I would like to fairies, gnomes and all those kind of magical creatures to exist! That's why I'm a big fan of Harry Potter because that story makes me feel like I'm in that world with all that magic.

I totally feel you on that one I love getting lost in some fantasy content from movies to tv series to games there’s so many great stories out there! Lol I could talk for hours about stuff like this and it’s not even real lol and we will argue about it with friends like this stuff is fact

Yes magic is fun and I prefer my life to be filled with it. ❤️

As long as you don’t keep all the magic for yourself and share it with the rest of us 😊


Beautiful, and outdoors is a very amazing place for taking naked pictures.

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