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RE: How Far, How Far We've Fallen: An Open Discussion Pertaining To The Decline Of Society

in #nsfw8 years ago

conspiracy theorist

I agree, nothing to do with conspiracy theories.

Yet I fail to see how hiding something that exists - from a child or adult - can help any situation.

For example, I will never tell my children that "Santa" exists....

btw, Santa, Christmas , Satan etc, ....all has to do with Saturn


I have argued again and again that sheltering people from the horrors of the world won't change anything , and beside burdening them with facts that they have no control over it will take up their mental energy and even valuable reasoning capacity and send them down a darker path by normalizing such things, akin to making them believe that if these things are happening all over the world then why shouldn't they utilize the dark things that other people are doing, if this is indeed a dark and twisted world, especially when you present them with a reality that shows these disturbing things as normal. You can continue to fail to see that, to enunciate "I don't think" which means "I don't consider" because it's a self defeating behavior and sticking with your beliefs when they are challenged by truth, such as the studies about desensitization to violence, will never allow you to reason well, only to cling to those beliefs. I understand that you do not see, that you don't consider, go back and read my replies and argue my arguments instead of repeating your opinion because it's not my job to argue your opinions.

I think both sides of the argument are valid.

My question is, to the extent that it desensitizes, to what extent does it shed light on the happenings of such atrocities?

A valid argument is not a fallacious argument, either it's valid or its not, you cannot have two contradicting arguments and call it valid, that's just your opinion.
To the extent that it damages one's normal response to such things. To what extent does DISTURBING IMAGES shed light on happenings of things like this? VERY VERY QUESTIONABLE, since there is NO CONTEXT, it's all about interpretation and what could something outside context ever shed light on something happening in the world? It's a moot point and a meaningless argument to say that there is more value to have disturbing images because they shed light on something that happens in the world than to not subject people to such things, and didn't you argue that it's better to expose kids to those things than to let them lust over such things? You said that. You didn't consider that lusting over such things isn't anything like exposing them to such things.

Ok, so you don't see how exposing kids to disturbing faces of death videos, and all kinds of such material is detrimental to their well being, the same for anybody, regardless of age. You want people exposed to decapitation videos because you think that by not exposing them it's worse than exposing them to that kind of material?!

I would never suggest that you show your children 'death videos'.

I would definitely never suggest you force it upon them.

But, if something like this exists and they passed it on their way to school, asked you about it; then I think it best to tell them that yes, these things go on in the world - and maybe tell them why...explain to them these people exist...

you underestimate children , you label them as children but they are the same infinite awareness as you.

If they learn how this world works at a young age - they have a head start.

They are the same infinite awareness, spare me the osho scam artist I own 96 rolls royce (not exaggerating either) then why are there feral children? I don't label anybody, it's a nice way to say I pigeonholed someone, I stereotyped someone when in fact I refereed to them as they are refereed to universally.

If they pass by something like this then the damage is pretty much done. They will be affected regardless of explanation, explanation won't make them unsee something disturbing. They are very much the victim of that disturbing imagery, and no explanation will reverse the damage, no explanation will extract that material from their subconscious or stop their unconscious from manifesting those same disturbing things in their dreams. Telling them that yes, these things go on in the world will only add onto that damage, telling them that the world we live in is that fucked up will not stop the damage but only add onto it. They don't learn ANYTHING about how the world works, what exactly do they learn from being exposed to disturbing mutilated corpses on buildings, in the middle of a town? You can try to argue that with rationale, I would love to hear how you can rationalize that they are being helped, hopefully you won't resort to unfounded accusations that I labeled them a certain way, because obviously discerning between children and adults if of no consequence right?!

You don't see because you haven't the insight of these things being damaging to people, it's my opinion, and it's your detriment if you cannot see that. You can express your opinion but it will never be a fact, or pertinent outside just an opinion.

I can see that it is possible that this kind of thing is damaging, but if it shows up in such a profound way, I think it best to address it.

You forget that these things happen in the real world - the art is just an expression.

Art is an opinion, this is disturbing images of mutilated corpses.
Not art. Addressing it and telling them that some people think it's art is of no fucking help, zilch, ZERO value in telling someone that a decapitation video is just a video.

There is nothing profound about disturbing images, period.

You can express your opinion but it will never be a fact, or pertinent outside just an opinion.

nor yours.

What is truth?

What is my opinion and not a fact I stated? Truth is that disturbing images affect people in a very negative measurable way. FACT. not a freaking opinion, don't try to LABEL a fact an opinion and hope to get away with it, my opinion.

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