Funniest SPAM I got all year!

in #nsfw6 years ago

Man people really think I am this dumb? You realize when you do an email spoof and demand a ransom on something that I don't care about it just makes me laugh right! Assuming it is true (which it isn't or they would be specific in exactly which site(s) and videos and type of porn), I still could careless! Want to see my D**K no problem! I could careless! That is like trying to blackmail a porn star for being naked lol! They don't care!

Tiсkеt Dеtails: OXX-758-48512
Email: [email protected]
Camera ready,Notification: 19.11.2018 04:48:45
Status: Waiting for Reply 08xuZaYy2A7f42wGnBmKkS7VrF3Hy81Yu0_Priority: Normal

Good day.
If u were more watchful while caress yourself, I wouldn't worry you. I don't think that playing with yourself is very awful, but when all colleagues, relatives and friends get video of it- it is obviously for you.

I placed virus on a porn web-site which you have visited. When the target tap on a play button, device starts recording the screen and all cameras on your device starts working.

Moreover, soft makes a remote desktop supplied with key logger function from the device , so I could collect all contacts from your e-mail, messengers and other social networks. I'm writing on this e-mail because It's your corporate address, so u should read it.

I suppose that 550 usd is pretty enough for this little misstep. I made a split screen vid(records from screen (u have interesting tastes ) and camera ooooooh... its awful AF)

So its ur choice, if u want me to erase ur disgrace use my BitcOin wаllet aDdress: 19WUPNJj2dDrkbiFmtdiMUEoBpXPC7iiTT

You have one day after opening my message, I put the special tracking pixel in it, so when you will open it I will know.If ya want me to share proofs with ya, reply on this message and I will send my creation to five contacts that I've got from ur device.

P.S.. U are able to complain to cops, but I don't think that they can help, the inquisition will last for several months- I'm from Belarus - so I dgf LOL

What a low life scumbag loser! Trying to extort bitcoin from people! Too bad I not only don't care if someone were to disclose a video of my Penis, I also know it is just a blatant made up fraud! If you want to blackmail someone you need more than generic bullshit! Use specifics! I work for myself! I have no "corporate address" or "colleagues"! I just laughed and decided I'll make a post about it!

If you ever get blackmail like this! KNOW it is FAKE! It is the new way to try to get your COINS! They will make up generic insane things just to scare you into paying up! And if you do pay, you think they will stop?? LOL! Nope, someone else will just target you because you were foolish enough to pay in the first place! Let them try and destroy your life over things that don't matter and aren't even illegal! WHO CARES? FUCK EM!


I got a whole series of these - some even including a password that someone had hacked from my Uber account.

They never did send any new leads on porno sites, or ANY pictures - sorry - NOT the kind of people I care to be doing business with.

Unfortunately, there was no return email address, so I was unable to have any fun with them.

Lol this was a spoofed email, sent "from" and ibm email but the return email was some weird made up name that obviously was setup to make it look legit but actually is a fraud! I can't even believe people would fall for this crap in 2018 but apparently they do still?

Lmfao 😂

Posted using Partiko Android

So if you had a key logger and you're computer was compromised why would he need you to send btc when he would already have that information and would just take all of your btc along with anything else. Smart....

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