Music Fix Friday (Now Playing Week 51) [Ezri,Merkules,Grieves,Kerser,Mozzy,Skinny Blimps]

in #nowplaying6 years ago

Ezri - Bald

0:45 to 0:53 is probably the best rapping I have heard this year! 🔥 Give this one a listen if you enjoy meticulously well wrote Hip Hop.

Merkules - Reject

Those familiar with the underground scene of Hip Hop are most likely aware of C-Lance whether they recognize it or not. He has been providing some of the best beats that usually bring the stand-out songs on an album forward.
It's nice seeing him and Merkules working together more as I see them as a great fit stylistically.
This song definitely has some mid-career Eminem [the good songs from that period] vibes to it, and is one that I think will do really well for him, both satisfying his core and branching out to others.

Grieves - Let It Through

I've been listening to Grieves for a while now but to be honest I've found he typically has fallen a tad short of reaching the level where I would give his albums more than a listen or two.
However, with this song I feel like he has finally honed in perfectly on the style he has been working towards thus far.
Side note for the first time ever he is reminding me of a super dope Canadian rapper Emotionz, a collab from these two would be epic!

Kerser - Deadset 8

As the title may indicate to you this is part 8 of a series of songs from Kerser.
This series, for the most part, involves Kerser, and whatever producer he is working with for the song, sampling a rock song [used in the intro] and flipping it into an EDM beat. From there Kerser does what he does best, hitting us with some crazy and often comical punchlines. The flow is always on point and these are great turn up songs, I really look forward to these every year and typically find myself listening to them all in a row near the start of December in anticipation.
Also worth mentioning he is from Australia which more and more is starting to be where a lot of my favourite artists are from!

Mozzy - Black Hearted

Much like Grieves, Mozzy has been an artist on the cusp of pulling me in to really enjoy their music and he accomplished it fully with this song. If you enjoy 90's Hip Hop flavour with a new school twist give this a spin!

Skinny Blimps - All I Want for Christmas ft. Mariah Carey

An incredible Hip Hop based re-imagining of the Christmas classic? What are you waiting for!? 😂


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