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RE: Now Playing: Week 51 (Dec 16 - Dec 22)

in #nowplaying6 years ago

Now Playing Week 51 must be in the title of your post.

Thank you guys for the mention as always. :)

Excuse me that this time I haven't complied with the rule indicated in the quote. But as you can appreciate this one today has been a very special #nowplaying entry for me.

However, I included the tag at the end and also I've upvoted this post.

Over here the link to my especial entry for this Week 51.

Cheers!! :)


Dude you are more than excused and it's always nice to have you around.

Muchas gracias mi querido amigo por tu constante y siempre bienvenido apoyo!! :)

Ambos sabemos que la música es lenguaje universal, pero quizás también ya vaya siendo hora de enseñarles a todos alguito de nuestro muy castizo español e inclusive mi extravagante spanglish Jajajajaja.

Un fuerte abrazo!! :)

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