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RE: Now Playing Week 28 - Songs In My Head Today

in #nowplaying6 years ago
Antetodo deseo felicitarte por el emprendimiento sostenido que has tenido, siempre motivandonos a particiar en diversos concursos, con tu ejemplo.
Gracias por el open mic @luzcypher y ahora gracias por sumarte a esta iniciativa que seguramente muchos te seguiremos en @nowplaying
Saludos desde Venezuela, seguimos tu carrera, muy de cerca, amigo.
First of all I want to congratulate you for the sustained entrepreneurship you have had, always motivating us to participate in various contests, with your example.
Thanks for the open mic @luzcypher and now thanks for joining this initiative that surely many of us will follow you in @nowplaying
Greetings from Venezuela, we follow your career, very closely, friend.


I have been following this project since it started and have been meaning to post. This is the first time I have posted to it but think it is a great way to get exposed to new (and older) music. Many people sharing what they are listening to is a great idea. I wish I had thought of it.

I have seen many people start projects and give up before they have a chance to grow. I can count about a dozen Open Mic copycats that gave up by then. Glad this original idea is still going after 28 weeks so far. Just doing what I can to support a good idea and as you know, I have a great love for music.

By the way, thank you for your continued support and contributions to Open Mic. I appreciate your interest and participation.Like your new logo too.

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