in #nowplaying7 years ago (edited)


I started playing the guitar at the age of 16 and the artist that inspired me to learn the guitar was none other than Prince. A performer that is so amazingly talented, that I truly believe there can never be anyone like him!
He plays all the instruments in most of his recordings and writes and produces all his songs. Now tell me if you know of any other artist that can do that..put your comments below if you know any. I can bet my last Steem that u won't be able to lol. He wrote so many songs that it can't even be counted or released for that matter. Most of the unreleased songs are stored in what he called THE VAULT.
Guess it will be even more difficult for those songs to be released as he died very unexpectedly in April 21, 2016. A very sad day indeed for a lot of his fans. I actually cried when I heard the news. He inspired me so much with his passion and love for music, and also the fact that he used to work so hard writing and recording songs in his studio at his home.
Recording companies had to tell him not to record or release too many albums, that he got so pissed with then that he started his own recording company called Paisley Park.
I'd like to share this video of his song taken from the Purple Rain soundtrack called Let's go crazy. One part of the lyrics goes "And if the elevator tries to break you down, go crazy!" Strangely enough he was found dead near the elevator at his home.

‘Let’s Go Crazy’ was about God and Satan. I had to change those words up—the de-elevator was Satan in that song.… And ‘Let’s Go Crazy’ was God to me…stay happy, stay focused, and you can beat the de-elevator.Prince, 1997

Dearly beloved
We are gathered here today
To get through this thing called life

Electric word life
It means forever and that's a mighty long time
But I'm here to tell you
There's something else
The afterworld

A world of never ending happiness
You can always see the sun, day or night

Rest in Peace..

wanna see more?? check this out!


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