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RE: Now Growing: The Dutchman • An Heirloom Tomato with a Good Story

in #nowgrowing6 years ago

I just want to make sure you know I truly appreciate your patience and willingness to share your experience with great details! So many of the tomato varieties you mentioned I have not tried. I read your reply over and over just to make sure I am getting everything you wrote. It would really be great if you make a post someday with photos showing the knowledge you have gained. I am always eager to learn. You mentioned in your reply "prune off sucker growth below the first set of flowers, being sure not to cut the branch below the new growth (it alters the hormones and can stunt growth cycle)." This is the part I can't seem to understand. I prune off suckers , but not sure what "being sure not to cut the branch below the new growth" means. Have I been doing it wrong the last 6 years? Tomato is the thing I may or may not get from my garden every year. I only plant about 20 tomato plants every season. Two out of 6 seasons, I had something that killed all my tomato plants one by one before the first crop even matures. I know I still have a lot of learning to do especially when it comes to tomato. Thank you for being so very kind and offer to help if I have questions! Hope you have a record breaking harvest this season.


My pleasure, @thelaundrylady! I love what I do and love to share it - it is how I learned just about everything! I was fortunate to have people in my life that embedded the love of gardening in my life and without passionate people sharing what they know, I would be lost.

I will put together some helpful resources I have collected over the years and share. I have material that is not often shared with home gardeners - I have a plethora of ebooks and PDFs that are published for commercial growing. I've got my son's soccer game in just a few, but I'll be back on this afternoon and I'd be glad to further elaborate on the pruning technique. I'll be back in a bit 😉

Sorry for the delay, life happened 😋 but I have been really thinking about our discussion and made some media:

I went digging through my garden photos from last year and I realized I made so much stuff that I could write a dozen posts..haha

I decided to make a few posts (working on them now!) and I will certainly attribute you as the motivator for doing so. I have a ton of resources that can help the average gardener and even commercial growers, so I figure I might as well put that into a few posts.

You get the sneak preview of some quick visual references that I made for the posts.

When planting tomato plants: if the plants are showing blooms/flowers before you plant - you can trim all the foliage and branches off up to the first set of flowers (the node or "Y" where the flowers begin). You can actually bury the plant much deeper if you do that and allow for a strong root system to develop.

I'll drop the links and some other resources in here as I compile and organize them so you can find them for future reference (until the hivemind update comes out / notifications feature coming soon 😉)

Hey never apologize to me. I have taken up more of your time than I should. I think I finally understand what you were referring to on your previous comment with your picture here. I am very excited to read your future post! I need all the help I can get with growing tomatoes. Thanks again!

I enjoy it and I thank you for your time. I made a post and it ended up about 5k words, so it is two long posts

Part 1:

and look for Part 2 tomorrow morning if your eyes aren't burning 😆

I really appreciate the support and hopefully, many of our fellow Steemit gardeners find you. It's a pleasure to have you here on Steemit, so if there is anything you need help with or have questions about - launch 'em over the fence at me anytime!

Keep Steemin'N'dreamin'

You will need to write way more for my eyes to burn, lol. I read your garden posts over and over (minimum of 5 times) to make sure I don't miss anything.

Thanks for tagging me on your post. First time anyone tags me on here. I feel special :)

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