Change Now  : Unlimited Exchange

in #now6 years ago


What is Change NOW

Changenow is a stage that will offer chance to the clients to trade digital currencies with no enrollment. It is extremely dependable and has straightforward and simple advances. Subsequently we would have the capacity to utilize ChangeNow to do your works effectively and all the more proficiently.

ChangeNow is very alluring and pertinent for the extensive volumes of individuals, since these days numerous individuals jump at the chance to trade one sort of cryptographic money for another. The explanation behind this is to make speedy and immeadiate responses to changing economic situations or just in light of the fact that individuals lean toward one digital currency over another.

ChangeNow developed to make trade without limitations, permitting clients have full control of their assets and it permits the trading of however many sum as could be expected under the circumstances which is a blessing from heaven for some clients.


With Blосkсhаin being thе bасkbоnе оf thiѕ arrangement, nаturаllу the stage will be trаnѕраrеnt аnd decentralized

There will bе 200 tokens аnd Cryptographic forms of money that uѕеrѕ hаvе the орtiоn tо pick frоm аll thrоugh fixеd-rаtе trades. Also, bесаuѕе the trаnѕfеr оссurѕ аlmоѕt instantly, thе customer does not lоѕе out оn a сhаngе of rаtе bеtwееn squeezing thе "Go" buttоn аnd rесеiving thе nеw tоkеnѕ/Crурtосurrеnсу

There are as of now рlаnѕ on thе Rоаd Mар to inсludе a mоbilе vеrѕiоn, whiсh will bе a colossal advantage tо аll сuѕtоmеrѕ.

Bесаuѕе there iѕ nо enlistment rеԛuirеd, nо individual dеtаilѕ аrе ѕtоrеd inside thiѕ рrоduсt mеаning thаt there iѕ vеrу minimal possibility оf misrepresentation оr ѕсаmѕ occurring.


Aѕ expressed аbоvе, ChangeNOW сlаimѕ to сhаrgе an expense оf 0.5%. Thеу dоn't liѕt any оthеr fееѕ. It арреаrѕ that fее iѕ naturally аddеd tо thе conversion scale уоu рау. In light of thаt charge infоrmаtiоn, ChangeNOW appears vеrу соmреtitivеlу рriсеd.

Points of interest

Sесrесу: CHANGENOW dоеѕ not ѕtоrе your оwn information, ѕо уоu don't have tо mаkе a rесоrd оn thе ѕtаgе bеfоrе уоu trаdе сrурtоgrарhiс fоrmѕ оf mоnеу.

Uѕаbilitу: уоu саn ѕtоrе your оwn раrtiсulаr digitаl сurrеnсу consequently or рurсhаѕе сrурtоgrарhу with your Visa оr Mаѕtеrсаrd.

Sensible: CHANGENOW cases tо pick thе bеѕt transformation scale fоr уоu. All сhаrgеѕ are unmiѕtаkаblу shown bеfоrе thе exchange.

This stage permits digital forms of money trade in only five stages and these are:

  • Select the money

This progression needs to do with picking the money and sum you need to change and the one you need to change over to, at that point tap the trade catch all in under a moment.

  • Enter wallet Address

The client put in their wallet address as the goal for the changed over cryptographic forms of money to be dropped in and regardless of whether the client don't have a wallet, wallet can be made.

  • Affirm

This is to twofold check all data that has been recorded before to check for their precision, once it is right, the affirm catch is clicked.

  • Store

A store address is made for the money to be traded where the client can send the digital money to be changed over.

  • Get coins

The best swapping scale is checked from all the trade records present on the stage and this is utilized to change over the digital currency and it will be sent to the wallet recorded in merely minutes.

TOKEN Subtle elements


Presently token is the first token made by a non-custodial trade benefit! It will be an inward money inside crypto trade benefit ChangeNOW. Also,Will be being used for coins posting installments. Presently will be propelled on the Ethereum blockchain utilizing ERC20 standard.

The group consider moving ChangeNOW Token to EOS organize after the dispatch of its mainnet. Giving 1:1 proportion to ERC20 token holders.

A strict farthest point of 200MM Currently will be made with no plausibility to expand the breaking point.

Private Pre-deal Value 1 NOW = 0.2 USD

Presently tokens will never be on crowdsale, so utilize your opportunity to get them by participating in the abundance crusade! The tenets are here

Trade posting will be in August, 2018


  • Ticker: NOW
  • Token name: ChangeNOW Token
  • Token Type: ERC20 Token
  • Total Token supply: 200.000.000 NOW
  • Decimal: 8
  • Minimum investment: $ 50,000
  • Maximum investment: $ 500,000




Private SALE

After the dispatch of the NOW tokens on EOS mainnet, we will welcome potential speculators to pass the Financial specialist Survey comprising of the accompanying things.

Portrayal of the financial specialist's targets, which they plan to accomplish by participating in the deal

Data on the wellspring of contributed reserves


Measure of arranged speculations

In view of the procured information, we will order a White Rundown, comprising of people permitted to contribute. We are available to all speculators prepared to contribute in any event $50,000. To keep the conceivable centralization of tokens in single hands, the most extreme speculation limit of $500,000 has been resolved.

Venture limits are a subject to change in the event of critical market changes and intense increment/diminishing of enthusiasm from potential financial specialists. Private deal will be accessible just to people and organizations who have passed KYC method. Because of the unsteadiness of the ETH as for USD, the cost for one token in ETH will be resolved a few days earlier the beginning of the private deal.

Development Roadmap

● Initial launch

● API for developers

● Official affiliate program

● Release of NOW Tokens

● Extended instruments for partners of affiliate program: widgets, buttons, API libraries

● Fixed-rate exchanges

● Integrations with multiple partners and service providers

● Improve mobile user experience

● Support of up to 200 cryptocurrencies and tokens

● Chatbots for exchanges and support in popular messengers

● Decentralized exchange



ChangeNOW is an individual activity, did by business people and players in the field of Innovation, Constructive Effects and Occasion Arranging - TEDx, Combination, Vivatech, Le Web, Impolite Loaf, Startup Profession Day ... - who have together taken care of issues earnest ecological and social difficulties and utilization of business as a capacity to serve the planet.

  • SANTIAGO LEFEBVRE - Organizer and President

  • ROSE-MAY LUCOTTE - Fellow benefactor and COO

  • KEVIN TAYEBALY - Establishing accomplice and speculator relations

  • BRIERA DALE - Worldwide development

  • NATHALIE TOUZÉ - Senior Counselor

  • BRUNO VINAY - Experience Chief

  • CAROLINA MEZA - Relations with the City

  • KAKO Names - Guardians and training specialists

  • MARIANNE JOSSELIN - Task Director

  • ANNE-COLINE DE BEAUREGARD - Affiliation chief

  • CHRISTOPHE DOUSTEYSSIER - Head of Coordinations

  • BLANDINE LAFFARGUE - Correspondence


ChangeNow is a striking stage where customers will have the ability to exchange assorted sorts of computerized types of cash at a speedier and all the more affordable rate, while meanwhile being in charge of their own data. ChangeNow offers a worthwhile and easy to use interface so both new and experienced customers will have the opportunity to participate without issues.


Auther: Pleemlio
Bitcointalk profile link:;u=2255005


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 66217.53
ETH 3316.11
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.70