"Crimson Red P.C.B" Chapter 2 "Mr. Johnson" (Cyberpunk Fiction)

in #novel7 years ago

Later that night, after the sun went down, packing up gear and checking out, out into the cold street. Britney, Jarome, and Megana all carrying a pack made their way through the traffic heavy streets. The sound of humming solar powered vehicles went by as neon light reflected out of the gutter. Walking about a mile before getting to nightclub. The bouncer looking them up and down and putting out his heavy arm to collect the weapons they carried. Surrendering them to enter the club, Britney, Jarome, and Megana made their way into the small club. A wet bar with one passed out drunk man and a lounge singer that made haunting jazz reverberate through the room. A thick plume of cigar smoke made the view of a table near the stage hazy. Two men sitting across from each other, one in a business suit, his collar loose and unbuttoned, while the other had a security stamped body armor on.

“That's him, our Mr. Johnson” Britney said softly to Jerome and Megana, then approached the table. “I searched the entire Matrix to find you.”

“Sit down, friends, you seem brain-burnt” The man in the blue pin striped blazer replied. A code that they had set up prior to the meeting to say to one another.

Getting chairs and joining the strangers at the table, Jarome, Britney, and Megana, looked at each other hesitantly as the man in the suit poured a glass of scotch for each of them. Puffing on his cigar again before taking it from his mouth to rest in the notch of the glass ashtray.

“Thank you for coming, My employer has high hopes for this meeting.” The man spoke softly while making eye contact with each of them. “I assume at least one of you is a skilled hacker ?”

Britney nods and lets the man keep talking.

“My employer, a well-known pharmaceutical manufacturer has recently learned of a new nanotech bio cure being researched a corporation by the name of Kincad Oveture. They wish to acquire this research and shut down and destroy any and all production of the bio cure. This we cannot do or it might set off an internal war between the security agencies we hire, not to mention the media smearing their name through the mud. “

“So, you hire mercenaries for corporate espionage?” Jerome asked, coming to the conclusion redundantly.

The man looked blankly at Jerome as if irritated by the interruption. “ The nanomites are programmed by a patient by patient basis to attack and kill any cell infected with a virus, in effect becoming the worlds best programmable anti-viral cure. My Employer however has the highest sales profit margins for the anti-viral medication we sell”

“Well it sounds to me as if your competitors have come out with a better product.” Jerome said interjecting a second time.

“Shut up, It's a job.” Britney said as she elbowed him with her robotic arm, while he reacted in pain to the shot to the ribs.

“I will be giving you a holographic blueprint of the building in this data chip along with my employers retainer fee you asked for of seven thousand dollars. You will be given seven thousand more in a money transfer of your preference when the job is completed. Can I assume you will agree to these terms?”

“Yeah, We will do it “ Britney said grabbing the envelope of cash, despite Jarome looking at her with clear concern.

“Wonderful, I will be letting my employer know you have agreed to the terms.” The man picked up his cigar once again and began smoking blankly looking at his body guard. “Please leave before us. we cannot afford to be seen with third party mercenary groups.”

Jarome stood up first, clearly distrusting of the corporate looking figurehead and the job that Britney had just accepted. Britney and Megana followed behind as they collected their bags from the door guard and stepped back out into the dribbling acidic rain.

“Why the hell did we take that job, Britney?” Jerome stopped to ask her. “ Working for a Mega-corp, doing their dirty work. I didn't think you would do something like this.”

“Look, The money is good, how can we say no to thirteen grand?” Britney said

“Destroying a possible cure so a treatment can be the leader in the market and rob sick people blind. You know that's what we are doing right?” Jerome said complaining.

“Yes, I don't care, we are doing it for the money. Don't think about it on a larger scale.” Britney said

“I hope you know what you're doing.” Jerome responded.

“Yeah. We got this.” Britney cut him off before raising her hand and hailing a taxi driver to stop.

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