"Crimson Red P.C.B." Chapter 1 "Modified Bioligy" (Cyberpunk Fiction)

in #novel8 years ago

In the city of Pittsburgh, year 2047, Glass and iron towers cutting into the smog red sky, Cameras on every corner, and the RFID tracking chip implanted in the base of your wrist always being scanned for everything, purchases, tollbooths, even with police stops. A select few criminals falling through the grids cracks and not complying with the tracking laws, getting by with other peoples RFID tags and avoiding authorities. Jarome and Britney had been keeping motel rooms by using hacked bank cards and crypto-currency transfers with a mobile phone, Never staying in the same place for more than a few nights.

Britney had been in a life threatening accident that left her without her right arm. She had a robotic prosthetic implanted and woven into the remaining shoulder muscle fiber. Perfectly attached and integrated to each spasm of muscle memory. Making phone calls to all her black market employers and asking for jobs. With questionable nobility she and Jarome would be working as mercenary contractors. Connecting with a fixer, Jarome was able to purchase three 1911 handguns and two ounces of C4 Explosive compound. Not being able to afford any automatic weapons he knew they would have to be successful with their first job just to get a second. The C4 had to be kept in the mini refrigerator just to keep it at stable temperature.

Britney could be found near a matrix utility jack that the hotel provided. A small digital LED display on her prosthetic let her communicate on the dark net with a DOS text interface. In a flannel shirt and ripped jeans, living out of boxes and staying mobile.

Jarome stayed busy by cleaning each hand gun and fixing a nine volt battery to two wires each and a series of old grill ignitors, Using old burner phones that were collected using free phone social services programs. The calls would be automatically recorded but not pin pointed fast enough for a privatized Lone Star security force.

A knock at the door seemed to put Jarome in a slight panic, picking up a gun and tossing the hotel blanket over the weapons.

“Who is it?” Jarome shouted stepping to the door and looking out the eye hole.

“It's Megana, She called me earlier.“ Britney said as Jarome unlocked the door and let her in.

Magana dressed somewhat strangely in a trench coat and hawk feathers in her hair and white native war paint across the upper half of her face. Dropping a duffel bag on the hotel room floor and unpacking a box with a pair of VR matrix goggles and a lap top computer. Britney smiled and handed Magena a roll of cash in a rubber band.

“Thank's for the new gear, How did your investigation go?“ Jarome asked going back to tend to the weapons. Pulling out three SAGA twelve gauge shotguns with no butt stocks and modified pistol grip pump handles, ment to be fired from the hip.
“That's what I'm talking about, where did you score these?, Megana.”

“Don't worry about the guns. Do you guys have anything to eat?“ Megana moved to open the mini fridge to find nothing but C4 plastic explosive.

Jarome smiled and shook his head with a no. “If you want something we can order out, but you have info, right ?”

“I found something of a connection, a rumor of a night club that has a very exclusive patron policy. When someone calls this phone number and talks to the reception about a patron fee, they are told to come in person to a location, different every time. The ones who go to these meetings found dead sometimes months later, drained of their blood. Lone Star groups work for corporations and If a crime is not hindering profits or services of that corporation usually they end the investigation.“ Megana explained

“Bullshit! MegaCorps!“ Britney said, taking the laptop and VR goggles out of the box and connecting them to the walls power source. She now had a visual interactive representation of the global network, built upon the internet of the past half a century or more, the Matrix.

“So, What do we do ? Call this number ? Set up a meeting ?“ Jarome said.

“No, that will be a trap for sure, I can find out what cell carrier is servicing the phone number and when we do call I can triangulate its location. “Britney said, loading the Matrix simulation world into her visual field. “We wait until I can do that before we make a move.“

“Agreed.“ Jarome nodded and looked at Megana as he spoke.

“Now this is interesting, a job, seems that an anonymous Mr. Johnson has left me an E-mail. “Britney said moving her hands though the air. “I'm going to respond and set up a meeting, We could use the extra funds if we are going after this group of vampire murderers.“

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