"Case Files Of Dian Guzalack" part 6 (Cyberpunk Fiction)

in #novel8 years ago (edited)

Personal ledger

I was given a twenty-four hours time off and advised not to come to the station precinct. The warrant was issued the next day and a strike force hit the parlor and was able to tie the gangland style murders with the septic tank to the assassin that attacked me and another accomplice. She is now facing several life sentences, but I know more are going to come. The Black Dragon ?. . Mabie I need to focus on another lead. Mabie if I go back to the arson when the mafia burned down synthetic drug spots competing with them. The shoot out and retaliation arson, Mabie not, The fires were all started the same way, What the new quack Magick forensics team called, Spectral transference from the seventeenth dimention, I hate those reports, They don't make sense to me, All I get out of it this time is the fires were started with Magick. I think the fires where start to burn evidence in the BTL chip warehouse, tat particular fire was a loss for them because of Jarome and Britneys hit. If I can get them into police custody I could ask them what happened. I just wish they were RFID chipped or had any sightings lately, lot of people with no RFID chips live on the lower cesspools of the cities not having any legetiment career.

Case File 44937601-H
Leading Investigator: Diane Guzalack

(Initial Crime Scene Notes.)

Victim was a 27 year old male named Nathan Prett that was stabbed multiple times in the abdomen and his abdomen was also given a post-mortem opening that was after sewn shut, very strange. The on site medical examiner cutting open the crude stitching and investigating further has found that the victims liver was removed and taken most likely by the killer. Some sort of trophy taking serial killer? That's the last thing on my case load. The victim had a wallet and his personal information cards, the killer was not interested in money. Something in his wallet that might be something to fallow up on. A business card for a club called “The Fishers Guild”. That's where I will follow up and try to identify the victims and build a profile.

Conversation Recording

Bartender - “Can I help you ?”

L.I. -” New York Police Detective, Diane Guzalack, I recently recovered a card from your club slab filler, Did Nathan Pratt often come here?”

Bartender - “Oh my Gosh, Nate ?, Yeah he was here a few days ago. He was a regular. “

L.I. - “How about last night? Was he here?”

Bartender - “I didn't work last night.”

L.I. - “Who was on ?”

Bartender - “ A girl who goes by the name of Cherry Bomb. “

L.I. - “ Do you know where I can find her ? “

Bartender - “ I think she rents a small apartment upstairs you will want to talk with the owner. He's in the back room His name is Mr. Gerard”

L.I. - “ Thank you.”

L.I. - “Mr. Gerard, Hello I'm a detective and I'm looking for one of your bartenders, Cherry Bomb?”

Mr. Gerard - “Yes I am afraid she has been gone all morning I think that new boy she is dating is bad news. He is a creep you know ?”

L.I. - “Can I take a look in her room ?”

Mr. Gerard - “ Sure, Here is the extra one I keep.”

Personal Ledger

The Potential eye witness's room was not much more than an air mattress and a laptop. Clothes in cardboard boxes and a laptop. It was protected by a password and I could not find any sort of clue of what it would be, damn. She had a lot of tourism posters of Seattle Washington, Pike Street Market and other places. Her computer needs to be opened to see if she was supposed to keep any appointments. Mabie if she kept a daily calender I could track her down. Taking down the posters temporary has shown me that there is a dial safe mounted into the concrete blocks of the wall. No combination to that ether, but mabie Gerard can help me open that.

Conversation Recording

L.I. - “Hey when I was up there I found a safe mounted into the wall. Did you have a key to that ?”

Mr. Gerard - “ No, only Cherry had a key for that “

L.I. - “And her computer? I doubt she ever told you anything about it. “

Mr. Gerard - “ No, but I can recommend you talk to some of my bar patrons. Some of them might know how to get you into both of those things, for a fee of coarse. “

L.I. - “um I will think about it. thanks.”

Personal Ledger

I won't be able to take anything this girl has for evidence because she is not a suspect, only a witness. Without knowing what she was doing today I'm lost. I think I'm going to have to hire one of these runners to crack the safe or hack her laptop. I guess i don't believe in that thin blue line. Not when it comes to murder and organ stealing.

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