Daddy's Little Killer (novel chapter 6)

in #novel7 years ago (edited)

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              Chapter Six

The next morning, Becky said it would be best if they out for
breakfast. She had already gotten everything put away safely for
the drive home. She turned and winked at David. He knew her
true reason for wanting to go out to eat.

Marcus waited for them to be done in the bathroom before he
took his turn. After they waited about 20 minutes, mom finally
said something. "Honey, you've gone in and out of that bathroom
a dozen times." She walks up to him, giving him a reassuring hug.

"You look handsome as ever. Goodness, we are just going out to
breakfast, and you are fussing over how you look. You're the most
handsome man I have ever seen besides your father." "Thanks
mom," he replied.

At 6' tall, jet black hair and a natural tan, Marcus could probably
get a modeling career. He looked at himself in the mirror once
more, checking to see if he needed to fix anything. He had not felt
this way in a long time. Ever since seeing Maddie, he could not get
her out of his head. "Ok, I think I'm ready to go."

They arrived at the restaurant around 8 a.m and sat down at one
of the booths. Maddie saw them and came right over, sprouting her
beautiful smile. She found herself catching her breath as she turns
and looks at Marcus. "Good morning Marcus. Nice to see you again."

He noticed her face flush as she spoke to him. Butterflies started to
fly around in his stomach. He almost stumbled on his words as he
spoke. "Good morning. It's nice to see you also, Maddie." He went
to shake her right hand as she extended it. He felt the softness in her
skin, and the gentleness of her touch. Maddie noticed a slight spark
in his beautiful hazel eyes.
"Ok, would you all like a minute to look at the menu or are you
ready to order?" They said they were ready to order. They had taken
a peak at the breakfast menu last night during dinner. After she left
to get their orders going, mom said she wanted to take a short tour
of the town. They were not that far from home, so they had time to
walk off the breakfast and get some fresh air. When they were done
eating, Maddie brought the receipt and wished them a wonderful
trip home.

"Oh, we're going to walk around town and do some sight-
seeing. What would you suggest us checking out?" Maddie said,
"Oh, I'm about to end my shift till lunch. I'd love to show you around."

Becky said that would be wonderful, and Marcus and his dad agreed.
"Ok, just give me a minute to clock out and we can head out," she

As they walked around town, Maddie answered any questions they
asked. "You're such a wonderful guide, and we really appreciate the
time you are taking." "Oh, it is my pleasure Becky. I love doing this
for friends." As they continued the tour, Becky grabbed David by the
arm, slowing his walk. She nodded towards Marcus. She wanted
to put a few paces between, to let the two walk together.

When they felt it was time to go, they headed back to the RV. They
all said their goodbyes and hugged, thanking her for the tour.
Marcus felt those butterflies again as he hugged her. He didn't want
to let go. It felt so perfect, her locked in his embrace. As he looked
into her eyes, seeing her skin flush, he knew she felt the same way.

2 hours into the drive, Becky noticed Marcus looking lost in thought.
"What's wrong honey? Are you ok Marcus?" He seemed to snap out
of it just enough to respond. "Mom, dad, I think I want to go back. I
can't seem to get her out of my head. Everything about her just felt
right. It is like I finally found my soulmate." "If I don't go back now, I
will never know, and maybe regret not doing so."

David pulled off the highway at the next rest area. They all sat and
talked about the decision, and as they agreed, Marcus and his dad
went to unhook his suv. Mom packed his bag and brought it out.
They said goodbyes through tears, and with promises of staying in
touch with whatever happens. Marcus got in his suv and headed
south, as his parents continued north.

He would stay at a motel until he found a place in Roseburg. He
wanted to have a better chance at gaining business, when he opens
a shop. He found jobs fairly easy, working for mechanic shops. Marcus
stopped by the restaurant in Coos Bay, the same day he drove back.

Maddie was ecstatic when she saw Marcus walk through the door.
Her heart skipped a beat as she watched him walk up to her.
He asked when her shift was over and if they could go out. She was
about to be done for the night, so she said yes. Maddie gave him a
hug and went to finish up her tables. He sat at a booth, watching
how gracefully she moved. They went to a small bar and danced a
bit. They both liked how well they fit in each others arms. Like they
were meant to be.

After it was time to go, he drove her back to her car. He talked to
her about his plans, of living in Roseburg. She asked if she could
join him. Her family had moved there a couple years ago. She would
love to show him around, and help find a place.

His eyes brightened as he asked if she was sure. "Of course, don't be
silly. I love playing tourist guide." She nudged him jokingly as she
said it. "Then it's a date." I will pick you up around 9 a.m, if that is not
too early?" Maddie replied, "That will be perfect.".......

Stay tuned for chapter 7. Be sure to catch the other chapters.
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