Daddy's Little Killer (novel chapt 7)

in #novel7 years ago (edited)

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           Chapter Seven

Marcus picked Maddie up at 9 a.m as planned. She packed a lunch
for them, which he was not expecting. They drove to Roseburg and
went in search of an apartment. She wanted him to meet her family,
but being it was a Tuesday, everyone was at work.

After about 3 hours of searching, they found a furnished duplex. As
they were walking around in the one he liked, the manager asked
when the two planned to move in. Marcus's face flushed, and Maddie
replied, "Oh it isn't for the two of us, just him. We are just friends."
The manager gave them a grin and said, "Oh, I'm sorry. I assumed
you two were a couple." .."It's ok," said Marcus. "But I would like to
move in as soon as possible." "Ok, let us go get the paperwork done.
It takes a few days for credit checks. We should know by Thursday,
but possibly tomorrow.".. "Sure, no problem." He turned and looked
at Maddie. "Guess you're stuck with seeing me around town a few
more days, between us both working." She grinned and said, "I am
sure I can handle that. How else are we to keep you out of trouble?"
"Best be careful what you put yourself in for," he said. She saw his
hazel eyes sparkle as he said that.

They stopped at a park for lunch, chatted about life, their families
and whatever came to mind. They loved how it was so easy to talk
about anything, like they had known each other forever. After they
ate and walked around the park, she said her family should all be
just about heading home. They walked back to his suv. He opened
her door for her, and waited till she buckled before closing it. She
smiled while thinking "what a sweet gentleman." They drove to her
families home. Her mom said it was good timing, and that they are
welcome to stay for dinner. Maddie filled them in on all the details
of life for her in Coos Bay, and how she met Marcus.

Kevin told Marcus that he is a friend of his mechanic boss, and that
he's a great guy to be working for. After dinner was over, Marcus said
it was a pleasure meeting everyone. Maddie hugged her family, and
Marcus shook their hands before heading out.

Marcus was called the next day while at work. The application was
approved, and he can stop by anytime for the keys and sign papers.
He stopped in, did what was needed and drove to Coos Bay, to grab
his belongings. He stopped by the restaurant, letting Maddie know.
She was so happy for him. She gave him a hug and told him don't be
a stranger. He promised he wouldn't. He called her a couple times a
week as time went by. His parents were happy he found a place, and
how wonderful her family sounded.

Next Marcus knew, it had been a year and a half since he and Maddie
had started dating. He had stopped by many times during the week.
She loved seeing him come in to eat. They went to movies each week-
end, and went for walks. She loved the times they spent together. She
had said yes to dating. Marcus called his Mom for the second time in
a week. She sounded concerned that something was wrong. He told
her everything was fine. "I'm going to propose to Maddie this coming
"Oh Marcus, that is wonderful. I'm so happy for you."
"Thanks mom.".. Dad came on the phone from the other line. "She is
a lucky girl, son."..."Thanks dad, but honestly I think I'm the one who
is lucky. All those years ago, had I not turned around, this would all be
just a dream."

After they did their fairwells, Marcus hung up the phone. He had the
proposal ring in his right hand. He turned it over and over, hoping he
found the most perfect ring for the most perfect girl.

They had planned a dinner together at the restaurant. Kendra wanted
to be their waitress, and since she was boss, no one argued. After they
ate, Marcus got up to go pay for the food. He told Maddie to go ahead
and wait at the table. He winked at Kendra (she knew what was about
to unfold). Marcus turned, walked up to Maddie, knelt down next to
where she sat. Maddie gave him a silly look and was about to ask why
he was on the floor. Marcus pulled a ring from his pocket. "Maddie, I
love you with all my heart, ever since the day I saw you, I knew you
were the girl for me. Maddie, would you be my wife?"

Maddie was shaking as she stood. Through her tears she said, "Yes
Marcus, I would love to marry you. I love you.". They both stood and
hugged for the longest time. Everyone in the restaurant applauded.

They planned the move-in together. They found a place where they
would both have an easy commute to and from work. The wedding
was planned for April. Both families were notified. Becky and David
were looking for a reason to visit, so they were happy as clams.

They decide to sell the family business to Caleb. He had been there
for years and knew the business well. Dad had been wanting to
retire and they wanted to move south. They missed their son, and
mom wanted to be closer, for the future grandchildren. "Mom, slow
down. The wedding is first, lol."

The wedding day came and after the ceremony, both families were
greeting and talking about their lives. How happy they were for the
newlyweds. After everything was cleaned up, they all went about
their own ways, after making a plan for dinner together tomorrow.
Marcus and Maddie left for their honeymoon. Both families had put
money together, to pay for their trip to Hawaii.

Her parents wanted to show Becky and David around the town.
They were offered to park their RV on the property, for as long as
they needed, to find a place to move. David gracefully accepted, but
said they would only need a day or two. They liked the RV and just
planned to seek out an RV park. Amy and Derek said they'd be glad
to help find one since they know the town.

After 2 years, Maddie and Marcus decided they wanted to raise a
family. They were financially stable, had a beautiful 3 bedroom
home, and felt they were ready. Both families were happy about
that news. Of course Becky especially loved it. "Grandma's love
to spoil their grandchildren," she said.

Marcus's eyes sparkled as he watched the baby move during the
ultrasound. "Well, looks like you two are expecting a healthy boy,"
said the Dr... Maddie and Marcus were excited to hear the news.

Becky and Amy set up the plans for the baby shower. Invites went
out. Kendra said she was looking forward to it. After going through
baby names, they both agreed on Aiden Scott. Life seemed so

Two years later, they were expecting another baby. In June,
healthy baby girl joined their little family. "Everyone, meet little
Kimmie Lynn," said Maddie.
"Oh, she is so precious," said Amy as she held her grand-daughter.

Maddie looked at both families in such amazement and
wondered how she got so lucky, to have such loving people in
her life. Everyone took turns holding their second child. After the
birth of Kimmie, Maddie decided to stay home longer. Kendra told
her take all the time she needs. She will always have a job to come
back to. She promised both sets of grandparents, they can still
visit. She would love the company.

Baby number 3 came around and Marcus rushed Maddie to the
hospital. The first two were easy deliveries, but this little one was
a long 16 hour labor. Finally at 3 in the morning, J.T came into
the world. Everyone admired her blonde hair, and freckly little
face. It was almost as if she were looking at each one right in the
eyes. Those beautiful hazel eyes, like her father....

Stay tuned for chapter 8. Be sure to read the previous chapters.
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