Broken Toys | Chapter Twelve

in #novel8 years ago


The sound of birdsong was like a fucking cheese grater to the ears. My tongue felt furry, teeth fuzzy. Worst part? My wife's side of the bed was still made. Showed no indentation from her body. Anger raged through me. Where was she? Why am I in bed? What the fuck happened?


That single word brought my attention to Kahan. He sat slumped in a chair next to my bed. His face swollen from what looked to be damage caused by nothing less than a mountain troll. Left arm in a sling, normally erect shoulders hunched. The man couldn't even open his eyes all the way. "What happened to you?" I spat out the words with more force than intended.

"The same men who rendered you unconscious jumped me after they cut the camera feed. We got no idea who they are. They took your wife, sir. No ransom note delivered yet."

It didn't take long for the rage to be replaced with fear. Who would dare try to take me on? Who the fuck would steal my wife? I felt angry and violated. The urge to beat something bloody filled my veins. "We don't know who is behind this... how long have I been out?" An hour or two, I bet. Not in cold case territory yet. I'll find those fuckfaces and make them regret crossing my threshold.

"You've been unconscious for two days, sir. The authorities have not been notified. I felt you'd prefer to keep this private. In any case, I tracked Mrs. Mezler's driver's license. It was used to board a plane in Seattle. Landed in Sacramento, California. It's been tracked at various liquor stores. Latest hit was in North Highlands, a suburb of Sacramento. I've got a private eye doing the tracking."

"Very good, Kahan. Anything else I should know?"

"Yes. Uh, your wife's uncle was here yesterday. Said he'd return today. Wants to see Nyssa. Was very vocal about seeing her for himself. Told him she was out shopping, he seemed content with that. Don't think it'll fly a second time." Kahan looked nervous, and if he looked nervous then indeed this was something to get flustered about. Where was she? Those who took her, did they violate her? And if so, did I want her back?

Yes, I want her back. That woman cannot leave me. Not until I'm ready... and I'm not ready. Don't like acknowledging my dependence upon her stabilizing presence, but there it is. She's my security blanket in a way Margot could never be. The two loves of my life, ever at each other's throats. If Nyssa never reappears, Margot will rejoice with a bottle of Cristal.

I know she will.

My mind began to wander in the direction of Margot Ivanov. Temptress, Mistress, rotten at the core. Now, philanthropist. Her new idea, a salon for underprivileged children and orphans- let them look like a million bucks, feel special. Video games and toys in the waiting room. No doubt kids from every walk of life would want to go there just for playtime, but the needy would be served first.

It's not a bad idea, but I got the sensation Margot didn't tell me everything. That's her prerogative, and maybe one day she will.

I made my way out of bed and toward the shower. If Nyssa's father-figure was going to be back today, I needed to have a plan.

Should I tell him she was kidnapped? No, he'd go to the police. On vacation? Without me? Unthinkable! Out with Janna... well, that's an option. Or with Leda.

Got dressed, and felt the pangs of hunger tear though my belly. In the kitchen, Mrs Jones sat in contemplation. With a startled yelp, she became aware I had entered her domain.

"Sir! Anything I can get you?"

"Where were you when my wife was taken?"

"Out shopping, sir. Getting items for the dinner you asked me to plan for tonight-to celebrate Mrs Ivanov's new project."

"So you couldn't have seen anything?"

"No, sir. I came home to find Kahan passed out in the hallway, all bloody and bruised. I bandaged him up as well as I could, although I wanted to call 911. Couldn't believe anyone would have the audacity to take the missus!" Tears began to flood her eyes. "Oh, I hope she's safe!"

"As do I, otherwise heads will roll." I meant it with every fiber of my being, I would kill those who took my wife. There would be no Chamber time. Just Hell on Earth for those who thought they could get away with this atrocity.

Despite being hungry, I sought out Kahan. Found him in the security camera control room.

"Do we know if Blake Reede is behind this?"

"He's in prison, sir. I doubt he has the resources to pull off such a heist. Seems too organized for his type."

"Who else would dare strike against me and my family?"

"Have you made any enemies through your business ventures? Any indigenous peoples who could get backing from a terrorist organization? Angry investors?"

I shook my head. Who would want to ruin my happiness? "Whoever it is has just made an enemy for life. They will pay." With blood and screams.

"We'll find them, sir."

While standing in the control room, I could see a car coming up the drive. By the looks of it, had to be my uncle-in-law. I could feel butterflies swarming and morphing into wasps in the pit of my stomach. Made my way to the foyer in time to open the door to Henry.

He did not look happy. And that was confirmed the moment he opened his mouth and barked out, "Now where the Hell is my niece, Mezler? And no bullshit about her shopping or hanging with her friends. We both know shopping isn't her favorite thing to do, and I've already spoken to what few friends she has these days. The truth now... because I will tear this house down brick by brick to find my Nyssa."

A huge lump formed in my throat. I hadn't felt this terrified since my teenage years and fearing correction from Mistress Margot. This man has the power to destroy me. Bribes, they mean nothing to a man like him. Nothing would deter him from his goal, I could see it simmering with rage in his eyes.

"I don't know where she is." I muttered the words as loud as I dared, which was really nothing more than a whisper.

Henry said nothing. He just pulled back a fist and landed an uppercut to my chin. Black filled my vision as I collapsed to the floor. Wasn't out cold, but close. "You better find my niece, Mezler, if you don't want me going to law enforcement. Forty-eight hours, Mezler. You better have some fucking answers, or we're going to get to know each other real well as I tear you apart, limb from limb, and leave your carcass for wolves to scavenge." With that stated with military precision, he turned around and got back into his car to drive home. Looking at him, you wouldn’t know he’s battling the ravages of cancer.

I never made much of an effort to get to know Nyssa's family.

But what I knew for certain was that Henry did not lie.
I must find my wife.

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