Broken Toys | Chapter Five

in #novel7 years ago (edited)


Why the hell Nyssa insisted on having dinner with my aunt and her husband, I don’t know. They weren’t bad people, but the tediousness of chewing beef wellington and mulling over the topic of Ras’ wedding were comparable. *Boor-ring.* That is until Aunt Eva brought up my faux pas.

“Theo, why did you invite Margot Ivanov to the wedding?” She didn’t phrase it in an accusatory manner; I know it’s one of her mind fuck techniques.

Using the linen napkin, I wiped my mouth before lifting the glass of Zinfandel to my lips for a hearty draught of tolerance. “Because Ras and Janna overlooked her invitation, obviously.” I could play it cool, too, just like Aunt Eva.

Eva put a small smile on her face. Guess she found my reply amusing. “Oh, I’m positive it wasn’t overlooked. There is a reason she was not invited. And you violated it.”

I shrugged my shoulders and noted Nyssa pushing food around on her plate with her fork. “That’s a shame, she’s been a family friend and *more* for decades.”

With that, Eva put her fork down, steepled her hands on the table edge, and said, “You are mistaken, Theodorus. She stopped being a friend when she became a predator. I realize you are still on friendly terms with her. I also hope that you and your therapist discussed her. Somehow, I don’t think he knew of your plan to invite that woman to your cousin’s wedding.”

*How dare she?* How dare she bring up my mental health at the dinner table. My wife looked uncomfortable and it made me wonder if she put Eva up to this interrogation. “Did Nyssa ask you to talk to me about this, Aunt?” She would pay. They all would. But especially Nyssa for having the audacity to air our conversations to those who raised me.

“No, she did not. Why are you getting angry? I’m trying to have a calm discussion with you so you can work on your boundary issues, which I see you still have in abundance. Inviting the uninvited is in poor taste, Theo. Please do not do it again. If you think someone should be invited to a family function, ask those planning the festivity. That is all. The simple fact you don’t understand that makes me question how helpful your therapist is, and perhaps you should seek someone else.”

I scoffed at her notion of *family function.* I saw no less than two senators and a congressman at Ras' wedding.

Uncle Thad chimed in. “Theo, we worry about you. We all are worried about you. When you took off after the wedding and before the reception, we were worried. And to see you angry when your aunt voices her concern… I know you’re a grown man, but you *gotta grow up*, son.”

I wanted to fling my knife into his forehead. I wanted to yank it out of his skull and cut out Eva’s tongue. She could then ask all the questions she wanted in silence. Maybe gouge her eyes out. In lieu, I put my napkin next to my half-eaten plate and replied, “I think I’ve had enough superficial family concern for tonight. Thank you for the reminder of why I moved out as an emancipated sixteen year old.” Eva heaved a sigh. “There you go.” Irritated tones poured forth from her mouth, before turning to address her husband. “Thad, you owe me a hundred dollars. I called it at four glasses of wine before mentioning why he moved out. Theo dear, you’re predictable. And you still haven’t answered me, whether or not you’ve mentioned Margot to your therapist. Please, answer me.”

What could I say? No, I haven’t mentioned Margot in any context other than mentor to my therapist? That our sessions were mostly about my depression and so we’d chat and laugh at stupid YouTube videos and that was that. *See you next week*. And so Glenberry has for the past six years. “He knows about her.” Which is true.

“If he knows about her and encourages you to invite her to family functions, then he doesn’t know all about her or you need a new therapist who grasps the concepts of acceptable boundaries. So which is it?” As my aunt spoke, I watched Nyssa wad the napkin in her lap out of nervousness. It pissed me off that Eva wouldn’t shut up, trailing after the truth like a bloodhound. Irritation burrowed into my bones like worms of irk. This woman was not my mother, despite her best attempts at providing a maternal influence. How it used to eat at me, when she sent me to therapy as a four year old. Why am I being rejected? Why do I need to be fixed? Truth was I didn’t need to change. They wanted to whittle away my sides to fit me, a square peg, into a round hole. And when I figured that out, I fought tooth and nail to remain true to myself. That my mother’s twin sister felt the need to remind me how little I fit in cemented my apathy toward this supposed family unit. Obviously they lacked the foresight to understand why I keep the stabilizing influence of Margot in my life.

“Good night, Aunt. Uncle.” And I stood up with the intention of collecting my wife, pouring us both into my Porche, and make our way back to Redmond. “It’s been a pleasure.” I couldn’t admit my aunt had a point, couldn’t let the bitch win.

“Which is it, Theodorus Tybalt Mezler? Did you lie or does your therapist suck?” Aunt Eva was like a starving dog on a juicy carcass, unwilling to let go until her hunger had been tamed. I hate that woman. She says she cares, but she doesn’t. If she cared, she wouldn’t play this game with me, tormenting me. Fuck that bitch in her ear with a diamond-tipped drill bit.

I don’t need this kind of shit in my life. No longer hungry, I looked with a jaded eye at the dinner before us all as I put my hands beneath the polished cherry wood and flipped the fucking table over, piping hot dishes of creamed spinach, new potatoes in butter, and beef wellington landing on Eva, Thad, and the room. Zinfandel sprayed out of broken stemware to splash on the wall; a vintner’s crime scene. Wedgwood clattered to the hardwood floor, shattering, as stunned looks from my extended family bought me time while I pulled Nyssa out the house by her elbow. I heard Uncle Thad call out, “Get help, Theo, or don’t come back!”

I slammed the front door, stomped across the veranda, down the stairs and to my ride before getting into my black Porche 918 Spyder prototype. Nyssa stared at the vehicle for a moment, then flashed me a questioning look before opening the door and buckling herself in the seat.

As soon as the engine was purring I asked my wife, “Don’t you have anything to say?” I navigated the circle driveway and onto the road.

“What the hell, Theo? I’m shocked.” Her voice cemented her statement, as she hoarsely whispered to me.

I was glad she wasn’t going to gang up on me, too. So I spoke in a relieved tone, “Me too. Why did she keep nagging at me?” Anger seethed and I drove aggressively the twenty miles home. “I mean, what the fuck did I ever do to her to get treated that way?”

“I think she was really upset Margot was at the wedding, Theo. And she got confrontational so you’d mull and think over the conversation with hope you’d understand her point of view.”

Nyssa’s defense of my aunt angered me, brought my blood to a boil. “Does Eva have her hand up your ass so you can be her puppet?”

My wife got angry, like a wet kitten, and her voice rose in indignation. “Excuse me, Theo, but no she does not. I can understand her point of view, and I can see how her confrontational manner has upset you, otherwise why the hell would you flip the damn dining table? I can’t believe you did that! What were you thinking?” Her eyes flashing indignation and ire.

“I was thinking how much I hate my aunt. I wanted her to shut up and she wouldn’t. I don’t expect we’ll be eating over there any time soon.” Didn’t really give a fuck about that either. As far as I’m concerned, the line is in the sand and I don’t have to entertain those who go out of their way to upset me. The fact that my aunt shared the same womb as my shitty incubator just cemented in the shared character flaw: they suck as a human. Inferior genes I’ve managed to avoid cluttering my genome.

“You can’t just flip tables over every time someone doesn’t say things you want to hear. You’re lucky the table didn’t land on them… you’d hate the publicity the ensuing lawsuit would bring. Admit it.” My wife had her arms crossed and I could easily imagine cartoon smoke pouring from her ears.

One of the things I love about my wife is when she speaks hard truths. She’s right, I’d hate for our private lives go public. “I admit it. I’m not sorry I shut her up though. Out of all the options I entertained in my head, table flipping was the least dramatic.”

I could see in my peripheral vision Nyssa frowning. “We need to work on your anger, Theo. In situations that don’t take place in the Chamber, because this isn’t healthy.” The sorrowful tone she used salved my anger. Had she been bitchy, it would have thrown gas on my raging fires and I would have to reprimand her.

“I don’t mean to blow my top. I…I just can’t handle it, sometimes.” That was the truth.

Nyssa reached over and touched my leg. “Theo, I think it’s time to let Doctor Glenberry go in favor of someone who can prescribe medication. I don’t think what you did at dinner is normal. And please don’t hate me for saying so, or accuse me of teaming up with your aunt. Next time you feel the urge to blow up, just remove yourself from the situation. Go for a walk. Or give me a heads up so I can duck out, because I don’t ever want to see you do something like that again. I don’t like it when you scare me. I don’t like being mortified of being around you when in the presence of others.”

A part of me felt powerful, proud. That my wife found my attitude challenging, well, that can be worked around. But fact of the matter was that she was embarrassed to be with me, and that ate at my gut like a festering ulcer. “I’ll consider it.” Well, I’m done contemplating her request and it’s been filed under *“she’s out of her fucking mind.”*

As soon as we got back home, I held Nyssa’s cold hand within my own as I led her to our bedroom. The energy within me from the adrenaline rush earlier needs an out, and my wife’s warm pussy would do. As soon as we crossed the threshold, my hands busied themselves by unzipping her corseted peasant top and black knee-length skirt. She could leave on the boots. She wore cream satin underpinnings, and they seemed to highlight her flushing skin. Brushing dark hair from her nape, I began placing kisses at her hairline, working my way down the curve of her neck, to her shoulder, while my other hand began roaming over the bared expanse of skin. As I passed over the slick satin of her bra, I felt nipples harden into nubs begging for attention through the fabric. With the tips between my index and middle finger, I caressed her breasts while pinching her nipples, enjoying the sensation of her ass grinding into my groin with growing fervor. My cock hardened and I bit her shoulder hard enough to leave marks but not break skin. Her sharp intake of air was my reward for foreplay done well.

I unhooked her bra and used it to tie her wrists behind her back, all the while nibbling tiny, tender bites down her spine and then licking a trail back up to her hairline. Her skin was carpeted in goosebumps, which in turn increased my passion. Panties were pushed down, and her hand sought the fly of my trousers, not at all hindered by her bindings. I thrust against her ass, my erection freed from my pants and silk boxers. Nyssa wrapped her hand around the bulbous head, twisting her wrist in such a way that precum oozed out to lube her palm. Twisting out of my shirt and utterly devoid of clothing, I pushed my wife against the edge of the bed, her bent over, ass in the air. God, her ass was beautiful, a hand-shaped bruise stating she was mine. I kissed the bruise tenderly, and then used a hand to tease at her slit. Slick, hot, musky, she was ready for more. I slipped a finger in, thrusting gently into her slick slit. She widened her stance and perked her ass out, bouncing against my hand for a good minute or two. I stopped and added another finger. Her hips moved in tiny circles, and I knew I couldn’t do a third finger because I wanted my cock buried nut-deep in her heat. I wanted her squeezing me tight with that magical way she makes her pussy hug my dick.

I stood up, and rubbed my cock against her pussy, enjoying the radiating heat and Nyssa’s passion. As soon as she felt the tip, she slammed her ass hard against me, forcing me deep. My eyes closed a moment before I started reaming that throbbing cunt. Held her by the hips and watched my cock split her pussy wide. It was the best kind of porn, the POV shot, but it’s my cock going into the gorgeous piece of ass before me, and its real. Couldn’t hold back anymore as the tension flowed from my body and into hers in a throbbing cream pie of completion.

I murmured, "I love you," in the hazy afterglow of release.

"I know."


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