A Demonic Abduction

in #notpoetry5 years ago (edited)

I had a dream last night
Or perhaps it was early AM
That did not seem
Like a dream
I was sleeping at the place I was sleeping
(On the couch)
And I became paralyzed
I could not move
Something was there with me
And it was not friendly

It was a malevolent nonhuman entity
It all seemed so real
I was aware but I wasn't
I was trapped with sleep paralysis
It was a process of me trying to see what was there
I wanted so desperately to get up and take action
But I couldn't move
Not even my hands

I was wondering if I was being abducted
I kept hearing voices other than my own

It tried to play tricks on me
It tried to sound like my Dad
(Or even me)

After it was with me in the room for some time
It revealed its true colors

It kept obscuring itself
And it kept hiding from me
So I could not see it

But seconds later it felt
As if it were inches away from me

It said things like " I'm going to kill you and keep killing you over and over again."
This was followed by wild and rabid laughter

It continued to assault what senses I had left
Over and over in this dream state

It wanted me to feel weak
I tried to turn the tables
I used all the energy in my being
In an attempt to break free from it

I attempted to throw HA-DU-KEN fireballs
I tried to create my own directed energy weapon

The demon just kept getting louder and more malevolent

I then started to beg myself to wake up
Because I knew this must be a dream

It actually seemed more like the astral plane

Perhaps it was the fourth lower

I kept waking up into a world with this abomination there
Taunting me over and over again

I kept telling myself I needed to wake up

But I kept waking up into worlds where I had sleep paralysis
I could not move

When I finally did wake up into the "real" world

My hands were completely numb
And I saw snippets of text scrolling
across a screen
That was not turned on

It made me think that
Perhaps this world
really is a simulation
Even though I had been doubting my own assertions about that for so long

But also in waking hours
it could just be
that I had not
fully recovered
From the head trip that is R.E.M. Sleep

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