My No-Suicide Pledge On The Blockchain - With Designated Emergency Contacts & Great Reveal Of Who I AmsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #nosuicidepledge7 years ago (edited)

After Twitter has silenced me suspending my account likely for attacking YourNewsWire and threatening to expose their poor journalism, I feel that my life is in dire danger. This may sound silly to you but I have watched over the years as investigative researchers took their own lives during large scale investigations from Michael Hastings to Danny Casolaro, Serena Shim, Gary Webb and others. Suspicious deaths or suicides.

[RELATED: Twitter Suspended My 34K Follower Account @An0nKn0wledge Likely For Calling Out Baxter Dimitry Of YourNewsWire]

I am at that point, I am currently investigating some massive topics including Bain Capital and Goldman Sachs fraud and my safety net that was my 34K followers on Twitter is gone along with some sources but not all. 

This leaves me with no choice but to write my blood into the blockchain and pledge that NO MATTER HOW HARD MY LIFE BECOMES I WILL KEEP PUSHING FORWARD.

Before stating anything further, it's important to note that I had a prior attempt on my life in January 2014 when my tires were sliced on the undercarriage of the car and the brake line was cut potentially for investigating the rash of banker suicides that was on going at the time. 

This is documentable by a pastebin I released years ago here and the hashtag I ran #BankerSuicidePact and #BankerDeaths in which I wrote:

 "December 2013: I was told of multiple lawsuits  happening bringing down the private financial sector not just in the U.S. but all over the world. I was showed proof specifically about cases in  NY, I was shown documents that are going through the legal system as we speak pertaining to gold/silver, forex and oil price manipulation/rigging, insurance fraud, the trillion dollar lawsuit etc. I was also told that these banker deaths may be a result of sophisticated cover-ups cutting ties so to speak to cause problems with legal probes and cut an end to the trails. I lost contact with that source i have no idea what happened to him. But many other sources online, have been saying  the same-thing about these banker deaths. (Do your research) one source  in particular called "V" "Guerrilla Economist" claimed to have a hit  list of BANKERs to be murdered he also warned of more assassinations to  come back in FEB and as we can see below 36 bankers dead later his  "predictions" did indeed come true. Further we can look back to 2012, when a CNBC exec's kids was murdered by his "deranged nanny" after he published the 43  trillion dollar spire lawsuit against the U.S. govt. officials and major  banks! (PROOF  is provided in links below)
Lastly, we have the ICIJs investigation into offshore tax evasion below.  If all this isn't happening why did a fed regulator label these banker  deaths as trade secrets?," I wrote.

Who Am I?

I go by Aaron Kesel online as an alias or pen-name my real first name is Justin. I will leave it at that for now some trusted individuals who will be mentioned below have the rest of my information if something were to happen to me.

I have acquired thousands of sources over the years people have leaked me a ton of information from documents to the elite uncensored Amy Berg version of Hollywood pedophile exposure film "An Open Secret." I gained connections throughout government the music industry and several other aspects of society had contacts in Wikileaks and several mainstream news publications from my days of actively participating in Anonymous operations.

During these Anonymous operations I would hunt pedophiles, sick animal abusers, bullies or help out a cause I saw fitting of my attention. I even helped run the Twitter account @ReportAPedo in which we would look at leads into suspected pedophiles people sent us including law enforcement who praised our service.

I also helped hunt ISIS under Ghost Security our promo video is below you can google the work we all did keeping the internet safe from the Islamic State.

More recently during the 2016 election I ran the @OpHillary Twitter account and released a detailed dossier on Hillary Clinton's past.

Yes I have done a lot.

In event of my sudden death or disappearance these delegates have my permission to fully release my information or d0x.


Twitter users - @Anon_emy, @Anon2earth, @Primit1v3, @YourAnonNews, @A_ofAnon, there are also others who have been instructed what to do if I have an untimely demise.

Steemit Users - @Phibetaiota, @Ausbitbank, @WeAreChange and @ActivistPost.

If this does happen keep on fighting and thank you to everyone who supported my work and allowed me to live my dream of being a journalist for the people it was fun while it lasted and a true honor, I love you and goodbye remember my work not my death. Remember my sarcasm humor and pursuit for truth no matter the answer and remember me for cats don't forget hacker cat. Much love and peace. AND If my death is suspicious for fuck sakes investigate it and that is in writing from me.

Ignore the shitty pic I just woke up and wanted to get this done I may replace it later may not I never really gave much a fuck of what people thought about me.


Hash: SHA512

"I'm Justin, a 25 year old male from the United States, my full location address has been given to my delegates.

 I have suffered from depression on-and-off for most of my adult life.

 Despite this, no matter what bad situation I may find myself in during the future

 I pledge that I will NOT commit suicide

 I take zero prescription drugs/medicine (I only smoke marijuana to relax and calm my mind and I can't even afford that anymore.)

 I will not/can not leave the country I am on the no fly list since 2012.

 I am extremely mindful of my actions in my day-to-day life and watch everyone I surround myself with."


Version: Keybase OpenPGP v2.0.73
















If you want to support my work you can do so by up-voting on Steemit or you can also directly donate to me on Patreon or through BTC.


BTC:  1DBH9kAvPjYQS9Eq7zqTdxiPpKXihwCejw 


Keep fighting my friend...
You are much more than your Twitter account.
All is not lost.

Keep on fighting bro

This was a bold and brilliant move. Blockchain is king. Glad you did this to show others the path! As well as for your own safety

I want to upvote your comment but something tells me I shouldn't keep upvoting comments again thank you.

Wow! Hustle and honor, and that's how we live. Will wait for your next post, to be sure of your safety. Take care, man

not about hustle it's about having enough power upvoting comments drains power fast so its more reserved for really really good comments usually with information for me.

I appreciate your reply!

I appreciate your work. Depression is a real bitch, and it is incredibly impressive how much you achieved whilst suffering from this awful illness. God bless.

I got a bellyRub and this post has received a 45.45 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to: @zeartul.

Thank you bellyrub for your kindnesss 45.45% is almost 50% wow.

You are intelligent for the level of your answers.

You are so nice bellyrub :D

Thank you so are you!

I don't blame you for taking these precautions. Best of luck to you, and be safe out there.

'More recently during the 2016 election I ran the @OpHillary Twitter account and released a detailed dossier on Hillary Clinton's past.'

If anything is going to get you killed, it is this. Good luck, sir.

I documented all the election fraud during the election too, one of my first post here on Steemit i'm surprised that didn't get me offed.

Keep on trucking brother!
Your rap sheet is it quite awesome and your passion for exposing the truth is outstanding. I hope through this crazy time you are safe and keep exposing these bastards for who they really are.

I've had suicidal thoughts and the best thing to do is to keep socialising and never isolate you in solitude.
I don't think you should ever restrict your communication with other people and it looks like you are setting up a great initiative @an0nkn0wledge
I made a post yesterday which you can check out where recently of a friend I met on the internet had contemplated suicide and I've lost all contact with him. I don't know if he carried out the deed but I've been anxious and distressed the last few days.
Thank you for all your work.

I found out that I feel great if I mind my nutrition, it makes all the difference, But as you say, I must go outside. Seeing kids play and people have fun keeps me sane and part of this world.

Hang in there. I hope you can get your twitter account reactivated.

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