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RE: Easter Holiday At Crypto Retreat In Norway - Giving Zero Fucks About Cryptos.

in #norway7 years ago

I like that country. Only thing I don't like is the way they treat the children.
It is one crazy social experiment showing immaturity of the Norwegian society


Yup. Norway is a lot more socialist than people here believe. We have some freedoms, and we are quite rich. But things like the children services are insane here. Some claim that as much as 90% of the children taken away from their parents shouldnt have been. But it's a very effective way to make people shut up. Just small things that is "weird" like co-sleeping with your children, non-agression principles, being a libertarian, alt right..and many other things ..even not having a regular 9-5 job could be something that the child services could pick up on. A lot of people even use political disagrement to inform against others. So let's say you're against immigration, and someone who works in the kindergarden see that you write something negative about that on Facebook - and they are very pro immigration, they could inform you to the child services. A neighbour who hates you could make an anonymous call. And once the child services are involved you are in a world of shit. Even if you are innocent and walks free. They have unlimited power. They can show up any time and take your kid. And you could be fighting the court system for months or years before you get your child back.

IMAGINE the trauma..It's unimaginable. It is a nightmare I cannot comprehend. So you can imagine we are very careful. And anonymity is very important.

The sickest thing is that people like myself, who dosnt have anything to fear - feel fear. And that is the whole point I think. Make normal people so afraid of losing their child that they will shut up and dont express any political opinions. Very clever right? :)

Wow! Seriously?! Wow again. I can't write anything meaningful after this

Well, you'll probably be OK..especially if you have resources, money, family..They do actually predate on low income families, single moms etc. Sure, it's in those families there are most problems - so it makes sense to a degree. But I think it is being used politically. The horror stories are so scary that you DO actually feel like there is not worth the risk of being for instance politically involved in anything else but mainstream politics. Or you cant discuss certain topics publicly. I would guess topics like immigration, vaccination, un-schooling, ethnonationalism, being critical towards PC narrative in general..would be topics that could trigger an investigation from the child services.

And even though the odds probably are relatively small, over 5,5% of ALL children between 0-18 are under the custody of the child services..that is a staggering number. 56,000 children out of 1 million. And if 90% of those are based on political/ideological stuff and not abuse..well..there is a 5% chance that your child will be taken from you. So you better shut the hell up and play along.

After spending several years in the West I'm becoming homesick for my previous chaotic country.
I never believed that I will state something unreasonable like this but once you earn some money (any money), you start realizing that you lost a huge amount of freedom.
I'm seriously considering moving to Czech Republic, Slovenia or similar.

You should. If cryptos go to where i think they will, we could possibly move to czech, poland or estland. At least buy property there.

At least you can swear as much as you want whoever you want.
You can be politically un-correct all your life.
And you will have some degree of freedom to do stupid/ borderline illegal things that make you happy (like installing illegal software, fixing the car in some unauthorized garage).

After 3 years, my overall level of happiness is down as BTC.

I read something about the subject maybe 4,5 years ago from some blog written by the Russian mother from whom 3 children were taken away on false accusations. She managed to escape with 2 over the border illegally somehow while the oldest one she didn't see for more than 5 or 6 years.
Everything started after the kid stated in the school that mother slapped him once.
After that I was just investigating and I found a lot of stories on the similar subject.
Also I read some different opinions about the child services organization running in Norway. Some Lawyer are actually thinking that they are operating like some mafia organization.

I think that Norway is the example for the rest of the world and Europe mostly. Laws are going to be copied to the other European countries it is just a matter of time.
My thoughts about the conversation above is that you can run but you can't hide forever.
People must be involved in the political matters of their countries. If they don't they are going to loose all their liberty and freedom.
Greed and blasphemy growing in the ones susceptible will darken the human society.

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