Disqusting Commercial From Norwegian Bank DNB, Using Children For Their Feminist Propaganda Lies

in #norway7 years ago (edited)

I always did see the Scandinavian countriesis the most equal in the world. So strange that a commercial is aired there!
I have no problem with feminism but if should not have existed!
I do have a problem with the fact that these days everything has to be political correct! Example: in Belgium the voting lists have to be based on a zipper. So all even places have to be men or woman and the uneven place the opposite. I just want the correct people on there, based on quality not based gender!

I remember in my childhood, in the 80s, "likestilling" ("gender equality") was a buzzword - but as a child I did recognize one thing: "likestilling" works only in one direction, seldom in another.

The "zipper"-concept is unknown in Skandinavia (at least to me), but we do have the concept of "positive discrimination", meaning to give a less-qualified woman a job when there exists more-qualified men candidate for the position, as long as there is an overweight of men already employed, but not the other way around. I think that if it is allowable to hire a woman just because she is a woman into the board of directors of some IT-company, then it should also be allowable to hire a man into a kindergarden, just because the kinder garden is missing men employees.

We even have positive discrimination when registering kids at schools. The idea is that schools should reflect the community. So each registration is qualified as a kid with lots of opportunities or less opportunities. This is based ionthe education of the mother, combined with the language spoken at home and so on.
This means in some cases that some kids can’t go to school next door because there are to much kids will fall in the same category. What a crazy time we are living in.

It's pure insanity. It's kinda funny to watch. This is what happens when you refuse to accept reality and facts and genetics and differences, and instead make political decisions based on in group preferences and people (women mostly) using the state as a tool to get rescources.

Such a treat to read a politcally incorrect opinion - they're so rare these days!
Otherwise, totally disgusting video and I cannot understand how is it legal to air such a misleading little film. On the other hand, banks can trully say they're not gender biased - from I what I know they take as much money from their clients, whether male or female.

I loved how people in the comments field said to them; "But..so you are illegally paying women less, DNB?" And they answered this stupid reply..when people followed up they just stopped answering. Every time we see these politically correct lies, we organize libertarians, anarchists and capitalists to comment and destroy them. That's what happened today. Destruction complete. :)

Thanks for sharing this!
I have seen feminism in Norway turn from a legitimate fight for equal rights to become a give-preference-to-women movement the last decades.
In Norway 68% of the population work for private companies and 32% work in the public sector. Yes, 32% of the population is on the government's payroll, that is insane!!! And women chose to work in the public sector where the salaries are lower, but job security is high. But as you said, now the feminists want the pay in the public sector to equal the pay in private companies because they want women and men to earn the same no matter what their job is... the high job security and high pensions in the public sector are to remain the same of course. This is SO illogical and counterproductive for a competitive job market, but hey, it's all about the women right?:D
I said that last part as a joke, but it is not a joke actually... Norway is the only country in the world that has an equal opportunity law that states that the government should work towards equal rights ESPECIALLY for women. It actually says so in the law that was passed last year. So men and minorities are not a priority, women are. Go figure:D

women chose to work in the public sector where the salaries are lower, but job security is high

Men and women are indeed different, it is completely natural for men to take more risks in search for higher rewards, while women would seek safety - that's hard-coded in our biology, and makes perfect sense.

Yup, of course. Men are always on the outlier compared to women who clutter in the middle when it comes to almost all traits (IQ, risk taking, mental disorders, creativity, etc) More stupid men than women, but also more clever men. Women are mostly in the middle. This is like you say hard coded, because women have to use social/mental traits to manipulate their surroundings (men) Since (almost) no women can compete with a men physically, she must be able to compete mentally.

Men are always on the outlier compared to women who clutter in the middle when it comes to almost all traits (IQ, risk taking, mental disorders, creativity, etc)

Correct, but I don't buy your explaination - I think it's entirely down to evolution and statistics.

Oversimplified, and pulling some numbers out of a magic hat:

A "normal" woman will get 2 successful children, the "alpha"-woman will get 4 successful children, the unsuccessful woman gets 0 successful children.

The "normal" man gets 1 successful child, the "alpha"-man will have 100 successful children (politically incorrect, yes I know - but consider a grander time scale as well as cultural scale).

Consider two strategies, the "normal" strategy and the "eccentric" strategy. A strategy is chosen as soon as the sperm fuses with the egg.

With the "eccentric" strategy, there is a 10% probability to become an "alpha", and a 90% probability to become unsuccesful (early death, declared insane, spending the prime of adulthood in prison, etc).

Churning the numbers above, by average the "eccentric" man will get 10 successful children, while the "normal" man by average will have only one child. The "eccentric" woman will by average have 0.4 children while the "normal" woman by average will have 2 children.

In this scenario, eccentricity pays of for men, but not for women.

Of course, it's extremely rare in our current-day monogamous society that some man gets one hundred children - but our evolution has gone on for millions of years, and as far as I know, there exist mammal species where the alpha male becomes the father of the majority of the children in the flock.

Yes, men and women are psychologically different. But not according to academics in Scandinavia. In the sciences of gender and social constructionism at the universities in Norway and Sweden, the leading theory is that men and women are born the same, but develop the differences as a result of social programming. These theories are mostly ridiculed in the rest of the world and especially among biologists.
This is part of the explanation for the gender madness happening in Scandinavia.

Unfortunately yes. It is the old nature or nurture debate. Sociology has always overemphasized the role of nurture and downplayed the role of nature, but in Scandinavia, the role of nature is totally erased and we are only left with the social construct. This documentary (youtube video in Norwegian with english subtitles) is a classic and explains the situation:

Unfortunately yes. It is the old nature or nurture debate. Sociology has always overemphasized the role of nurture and downplayed the role of nature, but in Scandinavia, the role of nature is totally erased and we are only left with the social construct. This documentary (youtube video in Norwegian with english subtitles) is a classic and explains the situation:

I remember in my childhood, in the 80s, "likestilling" ("gender equality") was a buzzword - but already as a child I did recognize one thing: "likestilling" works only in one direction, seldom in another - men would be expected to fix all kind of technical issues since they are men, at the same time they would be expected to do at least half of all the housework and children care because of ... "likestilling".

That said, equality is a complex issue and should not be dismissed as such. I think the overly simplification given in the video is not serving the case very well, rather the opposite.

Yes, you are right, the problem today is that equality only goes one way. I believe that the policies that we have today will create a very unequal or unbalanced society. The old adage that says that if you treat everybody equally you are in fact treating them differently since everybody is different applies to this as well.
We see the start of the problems in education where 70% of university graduates are women and in most prestigious subjects that are non-technical there is a huge surplus of women. But there is no will to regulate this. On the other hand, in the engineering and other technical studies there is affirmative action to get more female students. I wonder how long this will go on for before something is done?

It's insane. I'm not sure what to do..vote the capitalist party or some right wing nationalist party? or just take my family and flee during the next alt-coin rally :D

Do you listen to Stefan Molyneux? He explains these mechanisms pretty well from a philosphers point of view. How marxists made the man redundant and turned the state into the provider. Now women are also trying to make everything ugly - (fat acceptance, ugly rings in the nose, blue hair, beastiality in movies, flirting with incest..etc etc) so that they don't have to compete with the fewer really attractive women (attractive not only in physically, but women with good values and work ethics etc). And since they are so utterly incompetent and stupid they won't stop at anything. If they don't earn as much as men, it HAS to be some sort of problem. It's like they can't accept that inequality is normal. They think everyone must and should come down to their at best mediocre level of competence. Anyone better than that must surely be abusing them or having some sort of exclusive mens club where they sit and plan how to oppress women.

At the same time they are completely blind to the horrors that happens in africa and the middle east. Take for instance the insanity that's happeningin south africa. There is a white genocide going on, and NO ONE cares. It's absurd.

This madness should stop soon, before they actually destroy the west.

I have heard some podcasts with Molyneux. He sees the madness happening in gender and identity movements, especially on American campuses. It is a shame that he is ignored since he is a Trump supporter.
Politically in Norway, there are not many choices since the left to right scale does not exist. All political parties are at heart socialist and support forced equality. I guess we have to move out eventually:D

I was born and lived almost all my life in a country were women really receive less than men, even when the job is similar (Brazil). Maybe the fact that they are fundamental in the growing of a family make the bosses think that their real time in work is less than a man's. Maybe because they usually choose to work in areas that pay less (social area) than most men (technological area). The difference in salaries is lessening now but far from zero.

I don't know about Brazil..but in Norway its totally illegal and forbidden to pay different wages based on gender or race. So it would be really simple to penalize and have statistics on this. The reason they dont is because there is no pay gap in Norway.

In Brazil it is also illegal to pay different wages based on gender or race, but there is a long gap between reality and law. We are improving, but not at the velocity that it should be.

Just plain Wrong.

Some constructive "meta-criticism" of your article:

  • Link to video - should warn that it's a facebook video, and it should warn that it's in Norwegian
  • A quick summary of the contents of the video should be presented, since not everyone would like to watch videos, since not everyone would like to visit Facebook, and since not everyone understands Norwegian.

Thanks. I will consider that in my next similar post!

LOL, Twitter Poll's result explains everything : Cancer :D

Well, women and men are part of life.

Release the Kraken! You got a 8.80% upvote from @seakraken courtesy of @scandinavianlife!

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