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RE: Stovner high school in Norway begs police for help. "We can no longer provide safety for the students"

in #norway7 years ago

Well, it's time for the ethnic Norwegians to liberate the territory for the new nations!))) Historians will write in the future that this ethnos dissolved in "multiculturalism". And only Breivik was against it. Forgive me this joke))


Well, a lot of people object to forced multiculturalism. Hence, I use the word forced. I enjoy some aspects of multiculturalism. I have some brown friends and I like basketball. I even like some rap-music. But what I don't like is politicians deciding for us what kind of people that will be our neighbours. If someone from India wants to come to Norway because he wants to work here, and he likes the culture..then welcome. If someone wants to come here because they will get money for free, then you're not welcome.

Breivik was one sick individual, and the only thing he did, except killing innocent young people was to make things more difficult for those of us who only use words. I don't think anything related to him is funny, so forgive me for not laughing :)

I never heard of Breivik. I'm assuming he's like baby doc of Norway.

As an American, i think the best aspect of multiculturalism is all the food. The downsides out weigh the benefits by a large margin, but I'm all for more Haitian resturants.

I don't think food is an argument for multiculture. We have literally no italians in Norway. But we've had pizza since the 60's, and it is the most popular food. We don't have any mexicans, but everyone eats tacos on fridays. We have almost zero japanese, yet people love to eat sushi.

With Internet and sharing of cultures through voluntary travel and exchange of ideas, we don't have to have a lot of mexicans here in order to eat tacos. Any norwegian can read a recipe on the Internet or watch a youtube video and then make tacos :)

Breivik is one of the worst mass murderes in history. He shot and killed 90 young people at a political meeting on a small island in norway. Just the most horrible thing you can imagine.

If someone from India wants to come to Norway because he wants to work here, and he likes the culture..then welcome.

How do you imagine it? The population of Norway is 4 million people, India - 1.5 billion. Find Norway and India in GDP/person table . This is a tenfold difference in the level of living. If you open the borders, then 1% of migrants from India is enough for Norwegians to be in the minority in their own country. We must model the consequences, no more " welcomes" please. I suggest you read the book "The Mosque of Notre Dame". This is the forecast of what Europe will become soon, if nothing changes. A very exciting book, which describes in great detail the essence of Islam.

Breivik was one sick individual, and the only thing he did, except killing innocent young people was to make things more difficult for those of us who only use words. I don't think anything related to him is funny, so forgive me for not laughing :)

I understand you, and again I apologize! But I'm a fan of black humor. For me it is ironic that politicians -globalists brainwash natural Europeans from kindergarten for multiculturalism and tolerance, and some of them go crazy about it and go to kill future politicians-globalists.

And I also read jokes from the Germans about the problems of Islamism, they offered to release Breivik, give him a machine gun and more ammo. So I'm not alone in jokes about Breivik.